Discover and test the ENVRINNOV Innovation Toolbox
Ariane Dubost
Wed, 30 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST) Room 2.61
Wed, 08:30
As part of the project, a series of capacity building sessions is being developed. This session offers you the possibility to test the newly developed ENVRINNOV innovation toolbox and put its content in practice! The Toolbox offers open access to tools and resources to support innovation activities for, and by, the ENVRI community. It aims to provide tailored guidelines, templates, and best practices that helpsENVRIs navigate the entire innovation process. This includes generating ideas for new products or services, technology development, technology transfer and commercialization. It also provides resources to build partnerships for innovation with stakeholders outside the ENVRI community and focus on enhancing collaboration with industry.
Anyone in the ENVRI community—or interested in innovation in environmental research—is welcome.