SPM72 | Improving regular vertical profile sampling for the Arctic troposphere
Improving regular vertical profile sampling for the Arctic troposphere
Convener: Steve Arnold
Thu, 01 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Thu, 14:00
Vertical profile measurements in the Arctic are critical for understanding rapidly changing sources of trace gas and aerosol, their impacts on clouds and climate forcing, and constraining Arctic numerical weather prediction. However, there is a severe lack of regular vertical information on meteorological parameters and trace constituents in the Arctic atmosphere, particularly lacking information on seasonality and variability across different Arctic regions. I preparation for the next International Polar Year (IPY) 2032-3, the Arctic research community is aiming to build capacity for a new programme of regular trace gas and aerosol profile measurements from airborne and remote sensing platforms in the Arctic. This ambitious programme aims to deliver a transformative enhancement in the coverage of regular vertical sampling across the Arctic region. This splinter meeting will present and discuss ideas for measurements, platforms, and the motivation behind implementing this programme.