SPM89 | Inland Water Temperature Networking Event
Inland Water Temperature Networking Event
Convener: Corinna Frank | Co-conveners: Amber van Hamel, Giulia Bruno, Maria Grundmann, Corentin Chartier-Rescan
Mon, 28 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Mon, 16:15
Water temperature is an important physical property of inland water bodies (rivers, lakes, groundwater) connecting various disciplines, such as hydrology, ecology and policy making. While there is currently no separate session on water temperature research at EGU, we try joining through this event researchers working in the broader field of water temperature. More specifically we invite (early career) scientists working on methods related to water temperature including, but not limited to, measurements, process understanding, extreme events, modeling and impact assessment. We further encourage the participation of researchers from the communities of hydrology, ecology and policy making to create a diverse network. The event will be organized as a workshop to foster inter-disciplinary connections and identify overlaps in methods and research topics.