SPM98 | Tailored Parameterization Strategies for Climate Applications of Satellite Gravimetry (C10 JWG ICCC IAG)
Tailored Parameterization Strategies for Climate Applications of Satellite Gravimetry (C10 JWG ICCC IAG)
Convener: Marius SchlaakECSECS
Wed, 30 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Wed, 08:30
During the 2025 EGU General Assembly, the first in-person meeting of the year of the Joint Working Group “Tailored Parameterization Strategies for Climate Applications of Satellite Gravimetry” of the Inter-Commission Committee Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) will take place.
This working group focuses on identifying and implementing spatiotemporally tailored parameterization strategies for satellite gravimetry observations designed for different climate applications. Building up from the simulation environments implemented in previous working groups, parameter models can be evaluated concerning their capabilities to represent climate-related mass transport signals and their feasibility in real data applications. To envision the possibilities that will arise with upcoming satellite gravity missions, improvements expected from MAGIC and future mission concepts shall be investigated next to current single-pair satellite GRACE-type missions. The parameter models shall be defined in close interaction with the respective applications to identify the main criteria to allow new science to emerge from the advanced parameterization strategies.
In the meeting, the JWG will discuss planned activities, possible collaboration, and future research activities.