Allin Wayra: small sensors for atmospheric science (IGAC Activity)
Thu, 01 May, 08:30–10:15 (CEST) Room 2.83
Thu, 08:30
Allin-Wayra is an International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Activity with the mission to foster a diverse and inclusive global “low-cost” sensor (also known as “air sensors” or “small sensors”) community of practice - with a particular focus on regions lacking ground-based air quality measurements - and advance knowledge of sensor use for air quality and atmospheric science through collaborative initiatives that address critical issues, build capacity, and promote accessibility.
This splinter meeting welcomes anyone interested in exchanging information and networking with interested colleagues about sensors. We will provide a brief introduction to Allin-Wayra, and then spend most of the time at themed tables, that people can join and switch as they find useful, e.g., sensor applications, sensor calibration, sensor performance evaluation, sensor validation, and sensor technology, where participants can exchange knowledge and experiences related to these topics.
This choice of topics reflects the outcome of last year’s outcome of the scoping workshop held by Allin-Wayra, and are mere suggestions; the final table topics will be decided at the splinter meeting. Members of the Allin-Wayra SC will moderate table discussions and foster networking.