Orals ELS02
ELS02 Plant and soil interaction in a changing climate |
Co-convener: Claudio Zaccone |
Tuesday, 23 September 2014 Room A Chairperson: Claudio Zaccone |
08:30–08:45 |
The constructed catchment 'Chicken Creek': feedback mechanisms between soils, surface structures, vegetation and hillslope hydrology during initial ecosystem development Wolfgang Schaaf, Michael Elmer, Werner Gerwin, and Christoph Hinz |
08:45–09:00 |
Soil properties and nutrient cycling in the alpine treeline ecotone of Rolwaling Himal, Nepal Michael Müller and Thomas Scholten |
09:00–09:15 |
Underground Information through Phenology Changes using Innovated Hyper-sensor Tecnology in High Carbon Reservoir Ecosystems affected by Climate Change Mitsuru Osaki |
09:15–09:30 |
Biochar mineralization and priming effect on SOM decomposition in two European short rotation coppices Maurizio Ventura, Giorgio Alberti, Maud Viger, Joseph Jenkins, Cyril Girardin, Silvia Baronti, Alessandro Zaldei, Gail Taylor, Cornelia Rumpel, Franco Miglietta, and Giustino Tonon |
09:30–09:45 |
Restoration and management effects on litter decomposition and microbial functioning in the Chicago Wilderness Lauren Umek and Louise Egerton-Warburton |
09:45–10:00 |
Temperature change affects C mineralization and P availability in tropical soil of Madagascar Andry Andriamananjara, Herintsitohaina Razakamanarivo, Njara Narindra Rasolo, Allan Luigi Razakamahefa, Tiphaine Chevallier, Tovo Rafolisy, Michel Rabenarivo, Marie-Paule Razafimanantsoa, Eustache Miasa, Jahiel Michel, Becquer Thierry, Lilia Rabeharisoa, and Tantely Razafimbelo |
Coffee Break
10:30–10:45 |
Consequences of increasing temperatures during the winter period for functional soil-plant interactions in temperate arable farming systems Stefan Lukas, Martin Potthoff, Petr Karlovsky, Andreas von Tiedemann, and Rainer Georg Joergensen |
10:45–11:00 |
Effect of community vertical structure and composition on soil carbon dynamics of young white spruce pure stands versus aspen-white spruce mixed-woods stands in western Alberta, Canada. Claudia Rivera Rios and Phil Comeau |
11:00–11:15 |
Co-Evolution of Surface Properties and Vegetation under Changing Climatic Conditions at a Desert Fringe Aaron Yair |
11:15–11:30 |
Best Management Practices to Control Blowing Dust in the World's Driest Rainfed Wheat Region William Schillinger, Brenton Sharratt, Markus Flury, and Douglas Young |
11:30–11:45 |
Is climate change responsible for a stagnation of the carbon input into agricultural soils of southeast Germany? Martin Wiesmeier, Rico Hübner, Rene Dechow, Harald Maier, Peter Spörlein, Uwe Geuß, Edzard Hangen, Arthur Reischl, Bernd Schilling, Margit von Lützow, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner |