
Air-sea interactions and coastal meteorology
Convener: Anna Maria Sempreviva  | Co-Conveners: Sven-Erik Gryning , Mario Marcello Miglietta , Lise Lotte Sørensen 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 13 Sep, 14:00–16:00  / Room E1.1
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 14 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Area P1

This session will focus on processes controlling fluxes of momentum, energy, heat, moisture, sea spray, CO2 and other gases at the air-sea interface over ocean, in coastal zones and lakes; fluxes determination from in-situ measurements and remote sensing techniques and their parameterizations in models; aspects related to mesoscale atmospheric dynamics, such as land-sea breeze and orographically induced flows, coastal cloud systems and fronts, the effect of sea fluxes on the development of cyclones.

Applications to integration of wind and wave energy are welcome.

Of particular interest are experimental and modelling studies on:

- The interplay of processes at different vertical and horizontal scales;

- The effect of sea spray on the exchange mechanisms in the marine surface layer and in the intensification of hurricanes and tropical cyclones;

- The physical processes controlling air-sea exchange of CO2,

- The effect of atmospheric and sea waves into the marine boundary layer;

- The effect of air-sea interaction on the development of mesoscale features e.g. sea-breezes, cyclogenesis etc

- Patterns of the wind field and wind profiles over the sea.