Poster Programme AW10


Air-sea interactions and coastal meteorology
Convener: Anna Maria Sempreviva  | Co-Conveners: Sven-Erik Gryning , Mario Marcello Miglietta , Lise Lotte Sørensen 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 13 Sep, 14:00–16:00  / Room E1.1
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 14 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Area P1

Attendance Time: Tuesday, 14 September 2010, 18:30–19:30
Poster Area P1
Chairperson: Mario Marcello Miglietta
Preliminary results of a four-dimensional data assimilation technique at a Mediterranean coastal area, Southern Italy
E. Avolio, S. Federico, A.M. Sempreviva, C.R. Calidonna, L. De Leo, and C. Bellecci

Variability of wind parameters at the entrance of the Gulf of Finland
S. Keevallik

P1-66 EMS2010-230
Enhanced air-sea physics parametrization and assimilation of SST: a combined approach. (withdrawn)
D. Pettenuzzo, S. Dobricic, P. Oddo, and N. Pinardi

WRF model and ASAR-retrieved sea surface wind over Eastern Mediterranean Sea
M.M. Miglietta, S. Zecchetto, and F. De Biasio