Poster Programme ASI7


Atmospheric hazards
Convener: Fulvio Stel  | Co-Convener: Dario Giaiotti 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 15 Sep, 11:00–13:00  / Room Sorbonne
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 15 Sep, 16:00–17:00  / Poster Hall (Ground Floor)

Attendance Time: Thursday, 15 September 2011, 16:00–17:00
Poster Hall (Ground Floor)
EMS2011-13 | presentation
Trends in the Frequency of Extreme Climate Events in Latvia as Influenced by Large Scale Atmospheric Circulation Processes
Z. Avotniece

Climatic and Meteorological Thermic Anomalies analized from a long temperature data series on Western Mediterranean area, 1780-2010
J. Mazón and M. Barriendos

EMS2011-473 | presentation
High shear, low CAPE tornado events: the orography role.
I. Gladich, D.B. Giaiotti, and F. Stel

Possible Changes of Storm Surge Risk in the German Bight under Future Climate Conditions using High Resolution Model Simulations
D.J. Befort, G.C. Leckebusch, U. Ulbrich, A. Ganske, H. Heinrich, and G. Rosenhagen

Characteristics of extreme winds in the Czech Republic
D. Hanslian, L. Pop, and Z. Chladova

PH85 EMS2011-830
Thermodynamic and Synoptic Analysis of Pick Floods Region Mountain (Zayanderood Basin) (withdrawn)
D. Rahimi

PH86 EMS2011-462
Dual-Doppler Study on the Meso-scale Structure of the Snowstorm on 1-2 February 2008 (withdrawn)
H. Zhou