Oral Programme NWP1
NWP1 Dynamics and predictability of high impact weather in operational forecasting, including nowcasting |
Convener: Erik Andersson | Co-Convener: Yong Wang |
Oral Programme
/ Thu, 13 Sep, 14:00–16:00
/ Room A0
Poster Programme
/ Attendance Thu, 13 Sep, 10:30–11:30
Thursday, 13 September 2012 Room A0 Chairperson: Yong Wang |
14:00–14:15 |
| presentation
The Identification and Nowcasting of High Impact Winter Weather Events D. Hudak, N. Donaldson, and S. Boodoo |
14:15–14:30 |
Applications of High-Resolution NWP in Flood Forecasting for England and Wales W. Lang |
14:30–14:45 |
Forecast quality and predictability of severe extra-tropical cyclones in operational forecasts J.S.R. Owen, P. Knippertz, and T.M. Trzeciak |
14:45–15:00 |
| presentation
Assessing added value of high resolution forecasts E. van der Plas and K. Kok |
15:00–15:15 |
Evaluation of severe weather in ECMWF forecasts L. Magnusson |
15:15–15:30 |
Statistical Modelling of Snow Accumulation on Road Surface (withdrawn) B. Postance and J. Shao |
15:30–15:40 |
Introduction to Posters
15:40–16:00 |