Oral Programme UC1
UC1 Climate change detection, assessments of trends, variability and extremes |
Convener: Albert M.G. Klein Tank | Co-Conveners: Gabriele Hegerl , Monika Lakatos |
Oral Programme
/ Wed, 12 Sep, 08:30–10:30
/ Room Aula
/ Fri, 14 Sep, 08:30–13:00 / Room Aula
Poster Programme
/ Attendance Fri, 14 Sep, 10:30–11:30
Wednesday, 12 September 2012 Room Aula Chairperson: Monika Lakatos |
08:30–08:45 |
| presentation
Global Extremes Analyses from new Datasets: HadEX2 and HadISD R.J.H. Dunn, L.V. Alexander, M. Donat, K.M. Willett, P.W. Thorne, H. Yang, and D.E. Parker |
08:45–09:00 |
| presentation
How does the areal averaging influence the extremes? Context of gridded observation data sets J. Wibig, B. Brzóska, A. Jaczewski, K. Konca-Kędzierska, and K. Pianko-Kluczyńska |
09:00–09:15 |
Analysis of trend and variability of temperature extremes in Central Europe over the 40-year period (1972-2011) J. Struzewska, J.W Kaminski, and M. Jefimow |
09:15–09:30 |
Are European cold waves characteristics well represented in regional and global climate models (WRF and CMIP3/IPSL-CM5)? How to physically explain the observed biases? B. Quesada, R. Vautard, and P. Yiou |
09:30–09:45 |
Regional Climate Change of Europe during 1950-2010 using ARW model D Hari Prasad, Rui Salgado, Joao Perdigo, and C Venkata Srinivas |
09:45–10:00 |
Winter and Summer temperature extremes in Europe: a statistical and dynamical analysis (withdrawn) C. Andrade, S.M. Leite, and J.A. Santos |
10:00–10:15 |
| presentation
Comparison of statistical and dynamical downscaling methods in representing temperature extremes A. Casanueva, S. Herrera, J. Fernandez, M. D. Frias, and J. M. Gutierrez |
10:15–10:30 |
| presentation
Link between trends in extremes and trends in mean and variance for temperature in climate model simulations S. Parey, T.T.H. Hoang, and M. Nogaj |
Friday, 14 September 2012 Room Aula Chairperson: Albert Klein Tank |
08:30–08:45 |
| presentation
A climatology of freezing precipitation over the Ukraine and Moldova I. Khomenko |
08:45–09:00 |
| presentation
Analysis of climatic changes in snow cover characteristics in Germany by derived indicators U. Böhm, T. Reich, G. Schneider, and A. Fiedler |
09:00–09:15 |
Monitoring European averaged temperature based on the E-OBS gridded dataset G. van der Schrier, E.J.M. van den Besselaar, A.M.G. Klein Tank, G. Verver, and P.D. Jones |
09:15–09:30 |
Changes in the distributional shape of daily precipitation over Europe R. Leander, A.M.G. Klein Tank, and T.A. Buishand |
09:30–09:45 |
Climate variability and changes in Estonia, climate change scenarios for future and their impacts in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea J. Jaagus |
09:45–10:00 |
| presentation
Seasonal moisture variability in Ebro basin and its relationship to large scale atmospheric circulation and global sea surface temperature C. Boroneant and P. Quintana Seguí |
10:00–10:15 |
| presentation
Analysis of Extreme Precipitation Using Regional Climate Ensembles generated by Atmospheric Forcing Shifting R. Sasse, G. Schädler, H. Feldmann, H.-J. Panitz, and Ch. Kottmeier |
10:15–10:30 |
Trends in central European precipitation and temperature parameters using observations and an ensemble of climate models A. Mazurkiewicz, U. Riediger, M. Rauthe, S. Plagemann, F. Imbery, and A. Gratzki |
Poster Session & Coffee Break
11:30–11:45 |
| presentation
Circulation variations due to combine effect of the QBO and SSC: a reanalyses comparison P. Pisoft |
11:45–12:00 |
Modified risk of Storm surges at the German Bight derived from AOGCM scenario simulations G.C. Leckebusch, D.J. Befort, U. Ulbrich, G. Rosenhagen, H. Heinrich, and A. Ganske |
12:00–12:15 |
Estimates of Construction-Related Climate Parameters and Extremes in Bergen-Hardanger Region Y. Xu, I. Esau, and I. Bethke |
12:15–12:30 |
Quantifying the urbanization induced temperature effect of weather station De Bilt (Netherlands) between 1900-2000. S Koopmans, N.E. Theeuwes, G.J. Steeneveld, and A.A.M. Holtslag |
12:30–12:45 |
Solar activity affects frequency and persistence of circulation types over Europe R. Huth, J. Kyselý, and M. Cahynová |
12:45–13:00 |
Winter precipitation and temperature anomalies in Italy stratified by solar activity G. Messeri, T. Torrigiani, G. Betti, G. Bartolini, F. Piani, C. Tei, M. Pasqui, A. Crisci, D. Grifoni, and R. Vallorani |