Poster ASI4


Coastal Meteorology and Oceanography
Convener: Mario Marcello Miglietta  | Co-Conveners: Silvio Gualdi , Anna Maria Sempreviva 
 / Wed, 11 Sep, 08:30–13:00  / Room 102
 / Attendance Wed, 11 Sep, 10:30–11:30  / Display Wed, 11 Sep, 09:00–Fri, 13 Sep, 14:00  / Poster Area 1

Display time: Wednesday, 11 September, 2013 09:00–Friday, 13 September, 14:00
Attendance Time: Wednesday, 11 September 2013, 10:30–11:30
Poster Area 1
Chairperson: M.M. Miglietta
HyMeX-SOP2, a field campaign dedicated to dense water formation associated with mistral and tramontane in the Gulf of Lion
V. Ducrocq and the The HyMeX EC-ISC (SOP2) team

GF35 EMS2013-613
Effects of atmosphere-ocean coupling on intense precipitation events over the Mediterranean region (withdrawn)
A. Sanna, E. Bucchignani, L. Caivcchia, D. Conte, S. Gualdi, P. Lionello, P. Mercogliano, and M. Zampieri

EMS2013-620 | presentation
Sea Ice Mass Balance influenced by Ice Shelves: The SIMBIS project - Preliminary results of the first Field Campaign
S. Paul, S. Willmes, M. Hoppmann, P. Hunkeler, U. Baltes, M. Nicolaus, G. Heinemann, R. Timmermann, and C. Drüe

EMS2013-93 | presentation
Large-Eddy Simulation of an offshore Mediterranean area
U. Rizza, A.M. Sempreviva, M.M. Miglietta, S. Malnader, and F. Grasso

EMS2013-94 | presentation
Large-Eddy Simulation of the sea breeze over a Mediterranean peninsula
M.M. Miglietta and U. Rizza

EMS2013-327 | presentation
The winter 2012 cold outbreak over the Northern Adriatic Sea: preliminary comparison among data and high resolution operational atmospheric models
M.M. Miglietta, S. Davolio, S. Carniel, A. Benetazzo, A. Della Valle, A. Russo, and M. Sclavo

Ocean-atmosphere dynamics during winter 2012 in the Northern Adriatic sea by means of a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave modeling system
S. Carniel, M.M. Miglietta, A. Benetazzo, J.C. Warner, A. Ricchi, P. Falco, A. Russo, and M. Sclavo