Posters NWP3


Data assimilation and use of observations in meteorology and oceanography
Convener: Alexander Cress  | Co-Convener: Sarah Dance 
 / Thu, 15 Sep, 09:00–11:30  / Room Oceania C
 / Attendance Thu, 15 Sep, 14:00–15:00  / Hall

Attendance Time: Thursday, 15 September 2016, 14:00–15:00
Chairperson: Alexander Cress
EMS2016-169 | presentation
Using mobile observations in road weather forecasting
Virve Karsisto and Pertti Nurmi

H64 EMS2016-356
Assessment of the KMA Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (withdrawn)
Jong Ho Lee, Soyeon Kim, Byoung Woong An, and Pil-Hun Chang

H65 EMS2016-466
The evaluation of soil moisture analyses at KMA using in situ observations around Korean peninsula (withdrawn)
Hae-Mi Noh, Mee-Ja Kim, SeiYoung Park, and Sangwon Joo

EMS2016-486 | presentation
Lightning data assimilation to improve the RAMS short-term precipitation forecast
Stefano Federico, Giulia Panegrossi, Marco Petracca, and Stefano Dietrich

H67 EMS2016-491
Combining an EKF soil analysis with a 3dVar atmospheric assimilation in a limited area NWP model (withdrawn)
Annelies Duerinckx, Rafiq Hamdi, Alex Deckmyn, Piet Termonia, and Jean-François Mahfouf

Assimilation of hyperspectral IR radiances over land using a principal components based representation of surface emissivity
Kristin Raykova, Christina Köpken-Watts, Andreas Rhodin, Olaf Stiller, Anne Walter, Robin Faulwetter, and Roland Potthast