Orals OSA2.7
Monday, 3 September 2018 Room E I Chairperson: Monika Lakatos |
14:00–14:15 |
Poster pitches
14:15–14:30 |
The role of the Pannonian basin internal and peripheral topography in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer structure (withdrawn) Joan Cuxart, Blazenka Matjacic, and Maja Telisman-Prtenjak |
14:30–14:45 |
Evaluation of general circulation models with respect to atmospheric teleconnection systems over the North Atlantic/European region with special focus on the Pannonian Basin Erzsébet Kristóf, Judit Bartholy, and Rita Pongrácz |
14:45–15:00 |
Adaptation of RegCM regional climate model for the Pannonian region – the specific effects of different parameterization schemes Tímea Kalmár, Ildikó Pieczka, Rita Pongrácz, and Judit Bartholy |
15:00–15:15 |
Development of web GIS tool for interactive examination of climate data and provision of climate services Dejan Stojanovic and Vladimir Djurdjevic |
15:15–15:30 |
Analyses of agroclimatic indices applied to Croatian grapevine growing regions in the present climate Branimir Omazic, Ivan Prša, Visnja Vučetić, Marko Karlogan, Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Andreina Belušić, Jasminka Karlogan Kontić, Mirela Osrečak, Željko Andabaka, Ivana Tomaz, Željka Prša, Silvio Šimon, Ivana Vladimira Petric, and Renata Leder |
15:30–15:45 |
Microclimate measurements in grape vineyards from Beregovo to Zagreb in Pannonian Basin Tamas Weidinger, Večenaj Željko, József Dezső, László Horváth, Géza Papp, Grisogono Branko, Ptičar Damir, and Ágoston Tordai |
15:45–16:00 |
Recent developments in seasonal climate predictions in Europe: benefits for agricultural sector Andrej Ceglar, Andrea Toreti, Chloe Prodhomme, Matteo Zampieri, Marco Turco, and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes |
Refreshment break
16:30–16:45 |
Irrigation and crop yield scenarios in the Danube river basin using an integrated agro-hydrologic model Emiliano Gelati, Andrej Ceglar, Ad De Roo, Faycal Bouraoui, Marco Pastori, Zuzanna Zajac, Simona Bassu, Bernard Bisselink, Jeroen Bernhard, Marko Adamovic, and Stefan Niemeyer |
16:45–17:00 |
Comparison of hydrological hazards in Serbia and Hungary Rita Pongracz, Judit Bartholy, Milan Gocic, Anna Kis, Slobodan Kolakovic, Mladen Milanovic, Janos A. Szabo, and Slavisa Trajkovic |
17:00–17:15 |
| presentation
Mathematical methodology for meteorological drought risk assessment Tamás Szentimrey, Zita Bihari, Sándor Szalai, Mónika Lakatos, Andrea Kircsi, and Beatrix Izsák |
17:15–17:30 |
| presentation
Algorithm for drought risk calculation in DriDanube project Zita Bihari, Tamás Szentimrey, Sándor Szalai, Mónika Lakatos, Andrea Kircsi, András Molnár, and Gábor Kemény |
17:30–17:45 |
Survey of drought risk estimations in the DriDanube project region Sándor Szalai, Zita Bihari, Tamas Szentimrey, Monika Lakatos, and Andrea Kircsi |
17:45–18:00 |
Human thermal environment of the Carpathian Basin according to clo index Amanda Szabó, Ferenc Ács, Hajnalka Breuer, and Csaba Károssy |
18:00–18:15 |
Urban heat island under various synoptic scale atmospheric circulation in the central and south-eastern Europe – comparison of Prague and Bucharest Michal Žák, Sorin Cheval, and Alexandru Dumitrescu |
18:15–18:30 |
Internationalization of higher education and introduction of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concept in the framework of H2020 - TWINNING- SERBIA FOR EXCELL Branislava Lalic, Ana Firanj Sremac, Branko Cupina, Svetlana Vujic, Mirjana Ljubojevic, Ivana Maksimovic, Marina Putnik Delic, Milena Danicic, Josef Eitzinger, Anna Dallamarta, Simone Orlandini, and Leonardo Verdi |