Orals UP3.6
UP3.6 Global and regional reanalyses |
Convener: A. K. Kaiser-Weiss | Co-Conveners: Eric Bazile , Dick Dee |
Tuesday, 4 September 2018 Room E II Chairperson: Eric Bazile |
16:30–17:00 |
| presentation
The new global reanalysis ERA5 (solicited) András Horányi, Bill Bell, Paul Berrisford, Hans Hersbach, Joaquin Munoz-Sabater, Dinand Schepers, Adrian Simmons, and Cornel Soci |
17:00–17:15 |
Intercomparison of Dynamical Fields in the Middle Atmosphere Revealed in Global Reanalyses Toshihiko Hirooka and Yoshio Kawatani |
17:15–17:30 |
C3S Arctic reanalysis of snow and ice albedo by Harald Schyberg, Heiner Körnich, Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Roger Randriamampianina, and Xiaohua Yang given by Kristian Pagh Nielsen
17:30–17:45 |
European high resolution Regional Reanalyses in UERRA and the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S Per Unden, Semjon Schimanke, Patrick Le Moigne, Eric Bazile, Martin Ridal, Esbjörn Olsson, Lars Berggren, and Roger Randriamampianina |
17:45–18:00 |
| presentation
The 55 years UERRA Surface Re-Analysis over Europe at 5.5km. Eric Bazile, Antoine Verrelle, Patrick Le Moigne, Francois Besson, Rachid Abida, Camille Szczypta, and Cornel Soci |
18:00–18:15 |
| presentation
Land Surface Hydrology in the European High-resolution Regional Reanalysis UERRA Patrick Le Moigne, Antoine Verrelle, Camille Szczypta, and Eric Bazile |
18:15–18:30 |
Estimating the value of regional reanalyses from the UERRA inter-comparison Andrea K. Kaiser-Weiss, Deborah Niermann, Michael Borsche, Cristian Lussana, Francesco Isotta, Else van den Besselaar, Gerard van der Schrier, Frank Kaspar, and Per Unden |
18:30–18:45 |
An analog ensemble method for downscaling Christopher Rozoff and Stefano Alessandrini |
18:45–19:00 |
Poster pitches