EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts
Vol. 21, EMS2024-371, 2024, updated on 05 Jul 2024
EMS Annual Meeting 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Oral | Wednesday, 04 Sep, 17:00–17:15 (CEST)| Aula Joan Maragall (A111)

Scaling the vertical-velocity variance in the convective boundary layer forced by rapidly decaying surface heat flux after equilibrium breakdown

Omar Elguernaoui1, Dan Li2, and Joachim Reuder3
Omar Elguernaoui et al.
  • 1Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway (omar.guernaoui@uib.no)
  • 2Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University, Boston, United States (lidan@bu.edu)
  • 3Geophysical Institute and Bergen Offshore Wind Centre, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway (joachim.reuder@uib.no)

In the bulk of the convective boundary layer driven by surface heating, the vertical-velocity variance is known to scale with the convective velocity scale. This scaling relies on the quasi-equilibrium assumption that the surface heat flux (H) varies slowly compared to the adjustment time scale of the large scale convective eddies (or the eddy-turnover time scale). When the surface heat flux decays moderately or rapidly compared to the eddy-turnover time scale, a departure from the quasi-equilibrium regime is expected. A recent study proposed a parameter for describing such departure during the late afternoon transition: r = H-1dH/dt-1/t*, where t* is the eddy-turnover time scale. The quasi-equilibrium assumption applies when r>>1, and breaks down when r~1. Building on these results, we further investigate the scaling for the vertical-velocity variance in the regime r<<1 where the surface heat flux decays rapidly compared to the eddy-turnover time scale. In a first step, we use large-eddy simulations to reveal that the regime r<<1 is characterized by a new velocity scale w*r = (g/θ dH/dt zi2)1/4depending on the actual dH/dt rather than H . We argue that the characteristics of the surface heat flux during the initial-state quasi-equilibrium regime are encoded in the actual boundary-layer depth during the following out-of-equilibrium regime. In a second step, we demonstrate that the new velocity scale can be deduced from scaling arguments applied to the budget-equation of the vertical turbulent heat flux. The new velocity scale aims to specifically describe the vertical-velocity variance during the latest decay-stage of the positive surface heat flux, that is a few minutes only before it turns negative. Further research is needed to understand which part of our results can be generalized to other non-stationary configurations, and challenge the results of this idealized study with observations.

How to cite: Elguernaoui, O., Li, D., and Reuder, J.: Scaling the vertical-velocity variance in the convective boundary layer forced by rapidly decaying surface heat flux after equilibrium breakdown, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-371, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-371, 2024.