EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts
Vol. 21, EMS2024-494, 2024, updated on 05 Jul 2024
EMS Annual Meeting 2024
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Oral | Tuesday, 03 Sep, 15:00–15:15 (CEST)

How observational empowering is brought into action in South Sudan: GeoSphere Austria’s activities under the WMO Systematic Observation Financing Facility umbrella 

Delia Arnold Arias, Giora Gershtein, Gerhard Wotawa, Wolfgang Senoner, Veronika Krieger, and Andreas Schaffhauser
Delia Arnold Arias et al.
  • GeoSphere Austria, Vienna, Austria (delia.arnold-arias@geosphere.at)

Climate change is already causing havoc, especially in vulnerable regions, where every minute and every action counts.  During 2021 COP26, WMO, UNDP, UNEP joined efforts and established the Systematic Observations Financial Facility (SOFF) as a new focused UN financing mechanism to foster climate action through the development of sustained and sustainable observational networks. While observations are the critical component in the weather information value chain supporting informed weather and climate-based decisions, they are often addressed project-based and under a limited in time funding approach.  SOFF brings together the national weather service, a peer advisor from a pool of National Hydrological and Meteorological Services worldwide and an implementing entity, one of the Members of the Hydromet Alliance, to make sustained weather observations a long-term reality.  SOFF builds on the 2019’s Global Basics Observation Network (GBON) establishment by the 193 members states and territories of WMO. GBON defines the requirements for data collection and international sharing to provide the essential data needs for global and regional weather and climate models. However, although the requirements are set, GBON is not yet widespread achieved. This is particularly relevant in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), therefore becoming the initial target countries for the SOFF venture.

Sharing expertise to support the global meteorological community is an important part of GeoSphere Austria's core mission. Austria has supported the SOFF initiative since its inception.  In a joint approach with four implementing entities, GeoSphere Austria is peer-advising 8 countries worldwide and defining their path towards GBON compliance with a sustainable approach. The work of GeoSphere Austria is based on the analysis of the current situation in the countries. It then focuses on the value chain as the backbone for shaping the national development plan, while building a long-term commitment that enables shared growth as national weather services.

This work shows the overall approach, best practices and lessons learnt from GeoSphere Austria’s international cooperation under SOFF and provides a walk-through of the activities performed. The steps that include on-site assessment, the design of a national contribution plan and the initiation of its implementation plan, are shown based on a SOFF front-runner country, South Sudan.

How to cite: Arnold Arias, D., Gershtein, G., Wotawa, G., Senoner, W., Krieger, V., and Schaffhauser, A.: How observational empowering is brought into action in South Sudan: GeoSphere Austria’s activities under the WMO Systematic Observation Financing Facility umbrella , EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-494, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-494, 2024.