EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts
Vol. 21, EMS2024-92, 2024, updated on 05 Jul 2024
EMS Annual Meeting 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Impacts of Combining Various Types of Initial Perturbations on Convection-Permitting Ensemble Forecasting over South China during the Rainy Season

Xubin Zhang
Xubin Zhang
  • Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, CMA, Guangzhou, China (xbzhang@gd121.cn)

Precipitation forecasting for heavy-rainfall events over South China in the rainy season is still challenging due to large uncertainties. Convection-permitting ensemble forecasting is expected to address such uncertainties to improve forecasts of heavy rainfall. However, it is not yet clear how to optimally design convection-permitting ensembles by implementing perturbations in initial conditions (ICs). This study investigates the impacts of various IC perturbation methods on convection-permitting ensemble forecasting over South China in the rainy season. Specifically, downscaling, ensemble of data assimilation, time-lagging, and their combination were used to generate IC perturbations for 12-h convection-permitting ensemble forecasting for heavy-rainfall events over South China during the rainy season in 2013–2020. These events were classified as weak- and strong-forcing cases based on synoptic-scale forcing during the presummer rainy season and as landfalling tropical cyclone (TC) cases. Various IC perturbation methods represented different-source IC uncertainties and thus differed in multiscale characteristics of perturbations in vertical structures, horizontal distributions, and time evolution. Combination of various IC perturbation methods evidently increased perturbations or spreads of precipitation in both magnitude and location and thus improved the forecast-error estimation. Such an improvement was most and least evident for TC cases during the early and late forecasts, respectively, and was more evident for strong- than weak-forcing cases beyond 6 h. The growing spatial similarity among various IC perturbations caused the damping of the added value of combining various IC perturbations over each individual type of perturbations. The added value was attributable much more to the increasing magnitude of initial perturbations than to the increasing sources of IC uncertainties. However, the impacts of combining various sources of IC uncertainties on the added value was still nonnegligible although case-dependent for precipitation perturbations in terms of both magnitude and location. Combination of various IC perturbation methods generally improved both the ensemble-mean and probabilistic forecasts with case-dependent improvements. For heavy rainfall forecasting, 1–6-h improvements were most prominent for TC cases in terms of discrimination and accuracy, while 7–12-h improvements were least prominent for weak-forcing cases in terms of reliability and accuracy. In particular, the improvements in predicting weak-forcing cases increased with spatial errors. In contrast, for strong-forcing cases, the improvements were least and most prominent before and beyond 6 h, respectively.

How to cite: Zhang, X.: Impacts of Combining Various Types of Initial Perturbations on Convection-Permitting Ensemble Forecasting over South China during the Rainy Season, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-92, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2024-92, 2024.