ES1.6 | Open Data - data, application development, impact
Open Data - data, application development, impact
Convener: Hella Riede | Co-conveners: Emma Pidduck, Roope Tervo, Björn Reetz, Håvard Futsæter

+++ EMS Open Data Stipend by ECMWF -- apply until 31 Mar 2024, 23:59 CEST -- see last part of session description +++

Open Data policies have become both popular and mandatory across Europe. While several countries and institutions have adopted already a wide-open data policy, the EU Open Data Directive [1] is changing the landscape even more in the coming years.

In meteorology and climate science, a variety of European and international organizations provide access to vast amounts of relatively heterogeneous climatological data. Open data is having a growing impact on science and services, including more and more critical applications by both public and private sectors, by met services, companies, research institutes, and open source developers.

To tame the variety and sheer amount of data, API and data format standardization plays a key role in the ecosystem. Especially, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) API has begun to permeate through the domain.

Additionally, it is more and more common to exploit clouds to distribute and process Open Data. Initiatives like European Weather Cloud [2], WEkEO [3], and Open Data on AWS [4] are specially built to bring users to data and make processing large data sets possible.

The aim of the session is to bring together the enablers, providers, and current/future users of Open Data in meteorology and climate, to share their experiences and requirements.

We invite contributions on both technical and user-focused topics related to

- New Open Data sets including hosting Open Data on-premise and in the cloud
- Effects of and preparing for the new EU Open Data Directive
- Metadata management including FAIR principles [5]

- Use of clouds to distribute and process Open Data, including cloud-native data formats
- Tools and interfaces (APIs) for distributing, accessing, and utilizing Open Data

- Existing Open Data applications using weather or climate data
- New ideas about where and how Open Data can serve society
- Opportunities and challenges regarding Open Data, including data sources, data formats, legal issues ...

- Community building and collaboration around Open Data
- Whatever you feel is necessary to tell about Open Data!

+++ EODS - EMS Open Data Stipend - apply until 31 Mar 2024, 23:59 CEST +++

We offer the opportunity to attend our Open Data session at EMS2024 with financial support from ECMWF: "EODS" is short for "EMS participation stipend for the Open Data Session, funded by ECMWF". This funding opportunity is meant for open source developers and other people active in open data who do not have an affiliation that can finance them attending EMS2024. We will support up to three persons as presenting authors in the session, either online or onsite depending on the number of applicants and contributions. We reimburse the chosen candidates for the online or onsite registration fee [6] plus one abstract processing fee [7] in our session.

Please note that EODS cannot offer financial support for any other costs beside above-mentioned abstract processing fees and registration fees.

Independent of this Open Data session stipend, EMS offers a registration fee waiver [8].

How EODS works:

Do not submit your abstract to EMS yet. Mail to, including
- your abstract
- a very short CV
- a description of the lack of affiliation to finance EMS abstract and participation fees
- whether you applied for a registration fee waver

The deadline for sending your mail to us is 31 March 2024, 23:59 CEST.

We will notify you until 11 April if you win an EODS and if yes, if it is for online or onsite participation. Sou you will have another week after our notification to submit your abstract to our session via the EMS conference website.

We will notify the EMS organizing team of the winners - so you will not receive invoices but your invoice for the APF will be paid directly by ECMWF.

Remember to
- submit your abstract before 18 April via EMS website [9]
- make use of the early bird registration [6] - for online or onsite attendance according to our notification

Note that EODS cannot cover travel costs. It supports the abstract processing fee for the Open Data session plus early registration for online or onsite participation.

If you have any questions, please send a mail to


+++ EMS Open Data Stipend by ECMWF -- apply until 31 Mar 2024, 23:59 CEST -- see last part of session description +++

Open Data policies have become both popular and mandatory across Europe. While several countries and institutions have adopted already a wide-open data policy, the EU Open Data Directive [1] is changing the landscape even more in the coming years.

In meteorology and climate science, a variety of European and international organizations provide access to vast amounts of relatively heterogeneous climatological data. Open data is having a growing impact on science and services, including more and more critical applications by both public and private sectors, by met services, companies, research institutes, and open source developers.

To tame the variety and sheer amount of data, API and data format standardization plays a key role in the ecosystem. Especially, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) API has begun to permeate through the domain.

Additionally, it is more and more common to exploit clouds to distribute and process Open Data. Initiatives like European Weather Cloud [2], WEkEO [3], and Open Data on AWS [4] are specially built to bring users to data and make processing large data sets possible.

The aim of the session is to bring together the enablers, providers, and current/future users of Open Data in meteorology and climate, to share their experiences and requirements.

We invite contributions on both technical and user-focused topics related to

- New Open Data sets including hosting Open Data on-premise and in the cloud
- Effects of and preparing for the new EU Open Data Directive
- Metadata management including FAIR principles [5]

- Use of clouds to distribute and process Open Data, including cloud-native data formats
- Tools and interfaces (APIs) for distributing, accessing, and utilizing Open Data

- Existing Open Data applications using weather or climate data
- New ideas about where and how Open Data can serve society
- Opportunities and challenges regarding Open Data, including data sources, data formats, legal issues ...

- Community building and collaboration around Open Data
- Whatever you feel is necessary to tell about Open Data!

+++ EODS - EMS Open Data Stipend - apply until 31 Mar 2024, 23:59 CEST +++

We offer the opportunity to attend our Open Data session at EMS2024 with financial support from ECMWF: "EODS" is short for "EMS participation stipend for the Open Data Session, funded by ECMWF". This funding opportunity is meant for open source developers and other people active in open data who do not have an affiliation that can finance them attending EMS2024. We will support up to three persons as presenting authors in the session, either online or onsite depending on the number of applicants and contributions. We reimburse the chosen candidates for the online or onsite registration fee [6] plus one abstract processing fee [7] in our session.

Please note that EODS cannot offer financial support for any other costs beside above-mentioned abstract processing fees and registration fees.

Independent of this Open Data session stipend, EMS offers a registration fee waiver [8].

How EODS works:

Do not submit your abstract to EMS yet. Mail to, including
- your abstract
- a very short CV
- a description of the lack of affiliation to finance EMS abstract and participation fees
- whether you applied for a registration fee waver

The deadline for sending your mail to us is 31 March 2024, 23:59 CEST.

We will notify you until 11 April if you win an EODS and if yes, if it is for online or onsite participation. Sou you will have another week after our notification to submit your abstract to our session via the EMS conference website.

We will notify the EMS organizing team of the winners - so you will not receive invoices but your invoice for the APF will be paid directly by ECMWF.

Remember to
- submit your abstract before 18 April via EMS website [9]
- make use of the early bird registration [6] - for online or onsite attendance according to our notification

Note that EODS cannot cover travel costs. It supports the abstract processing fee for the Open Data session plus early registration for online or onsite participation.

If you have any questions, please send a mail to
