UP2.7 | Multi-scale transport and exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains
Multi-scale transport and exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains
Conveners: Dino Zardi, Mathias Rotach, Chantal Staquet | Co-conveners: Brigitta Goger, Bianca Adler

This session welcomes contributions on atmospheric processes over mountainous regions on all time and spatial scales, with a focus on exchange processes between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. These include, but are not limited to, processes in the Mountain Boundary Layer (MoBL) and related turbulence characteristics, thermally- and dynamically-driven mountain winds, orographic clouds and precipitation, climate change and variability. Numerical modeling (numerical weather prediction, data assimilation, model evaluation studies) of these processes and specific challenges related to complex terrain are equally invited as applications (e.g., hydrology, air quality, fire dynamics, and renewable energy). We especially invite contributions from recent projects and measurement campaigns on mountain weather and climate, in particular within the international research programme TEAMx (http://www.teamx-programme.org/).

This session welcomes contributions on atmospheric processes over mountainous regions on all time and spatial scales, with a focus on exchange processes between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. These include, but are not limited to, processes in the Mountain Boundary Layer (MoBL) and related turbulence characteristics, thermally- and dynamically-driven mountain winds, orographic clouds and precipitation, climate change and variability. Numerical modeling (numerical weather prediction, data assimilation, model evaluation studies) of these processes and specific challenges related to complex terrain are equally invited as applications (e.g., hydrology, air quality, fire dynamics, and renewable energy). We especially invite contributions from recent projects and measurement campaigns on mountain weather and climate, in particular within the international research programme TEAMx (http://www.teamx-programme.org/).