The session will focus on the latest developments in data assimilation and ensemble forecasting techniques, ranging from links with nowcasting to the ability to produce and deliver skilful and reliable forecasts of high-impact extreme events to the medium and extended range.
We welcome any methods and ideas, both traditional and machine learning-based, on how to assimilate data, but also on approaches to create and use an ensemble forecast, and how these techniques can vary with the forecast lead-time. Of particular interest will be the perspective of forecasters and the use of ensembles in forecasting extreme weather events.
The conveners invite papers on various issues associated with Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecasting for weather prediction, such as:
- intercomparison and study of the complementarity between different assimilation techniques: Kalman filtering, variational assimilation, nudging techniques for frequent analysis cycles, etc;
- variational techniques with longer assimilation windows and weak constraint methods to allow for the inclusion of model error estimates;
- ensemble data assimilation systems and flow dependent estimation of background and on-the-fly error statistics;
- representation of uncertainties in initial conditions, model and boundary coupling in Global and Limited-Area Ensemble Prediction Systems;
- verification and calibration methods of Ensemble Prediction Systems;
- use of TIGGE database;
- application of ensemble forecast in different sectors, including energy, health, transport, agriculture, insurance, finance, etc.
Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecasting (short, medium, extended range): traditional versus machine learning