This session will handle various aspects of scientific and operational collaboration related to weather and climate modelling. The session will be split into three sub-sessions which will focus on the following topics:
- Challenges in developing high-resolution mesoscale models with a focus on end-users and the EUMETNET forecasting programme. Observation impact studies to assess the importance of different parts of the observing system for global and limited area NWP models.
- Numerics and physics-dynamics coupling in weather and climate models: This encompasses the development, testing and application of novel numerical techniques, the coupling between the dynamical core and physical parameterizations, variable-resolution modelling, as well as performance aspects on current and future supercomputer architectures.
- Model verification: Developments and new approaches in the use of observations and verification techniques. It covers all verification aspects from research to applications to general verification practice and across all time and space scales. Highly welcome verification subjects including high-impact, user oriented applications, warnings against adverse weather events or events with high risk or user relevance.
Challenges in Weather and Climate Modelling: from model development via verification to operational perspectives