EPO: Global Awareness and Life-long Learning
Convener: Eleni Chatzichristou  | Co-Convener: Doris Daou 
Oral Program
 / Tue, 04 Oct, 13:30–15:00  / Room Mercure Room
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 04 Oct, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

The sky is common for all, regardless of human borders, and we all want to preserve it and to jointly explore its wonders. EPSC and DPS are joining efforts this year. This is an excellent opportunity to visit the EPO best practices and projects that have an international impact, the astronomy outreach projects that are globally relevant. We foresee two parts for this session:
EPO and Global Awareness: Several international projects will be visited, e.g. : Dark Skies help to develop awareness about preserving and protecting our skies. Astronomers Without Borders help people around the world to bond. Astronomy and World Heritage, aims to recognize and preserve sites of astronomical importance for posterity.
EPO and Life Long Learning: Examples of projects are: (Global) Hands-on Universe introduces through astronomy inquiry based teaching methods which are at the forefront of education innovation in most countries. Universe Awareness exposes very young children in under-privileged environments to the beauty of the Universe, stimulating their curiosity about Science. The Galileo Teacher Training Program trains teachers all over the world to ransfer astronomy tools into classroom science curricula. Other examples are the International Observe the Moon Night and Cassini Scientist for a Day, to promoting widespread access to new knowledge and observing experiences.

You are invited to submit abstracts for either an oral or a poster presentation.