EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019



The Moon has been our guide to cratering and other processes that affect airless rocks in space. Recent discoveries have shown that the Moon is not what we thought it was, suggesting we ought to re-examine our understanding of processes affecting airless rocky bodies and their surfaces.

Public information:
The Moon has been our guide to cratering and other processes that affect airless rocks in space. Recent discoveries have shown that the Moon is not what we thought it was, suggesting we ought to re-examine our understanding of processes affecting airless rocky bodies and their surfaces.

Convener: Timothy A. Livengood | Co-convener: Amanda Hendrix
| Thu, 19 Sep, 10:30–12:00, 13:30–17:00
Venus (Room 6), Fri, 20 Sep, 08:30–12:00
Neptune (Room 3)
| Attendance Tue, 17 Sep, 17:15–18:45 | Display Mon, 16 Sep, 08:30–Wed, 18 Sep, 11:00|Basement
Display time: Monday, 16 September, 2019 08:30–Wednesday, 18 September, 11:00

Attendance time: Tuesday, 17 September 2019, 17:15–18:45 | Basement

Chairperson: Timothy A. Livengood, Amanda Hendrix
B81 |
Minsup Jeong, Young-Jun Choi, Sungsoo S. Kim, and Yuriy G. Shkuratov
B82 |
Lunar Science for Landed Missions
Gregory Schmidt, Erica Jawin, Sarah Valencia, Ryan Watkins, Clive Neal, and James Crowell
B83 |
Rachel Klima, Brianna Young, and Andrew Rivkin
B84 |
Philipp Gläser and Dennis Gläser
B85 |
Akbar Whizin, Kurt Retherford, Ben Byron, Lizeth Magaña, Thomas Greathouse, Anthony Egan, Amanda Hendrix, and Paul Hayne
B86 |
Pyroxene Chemistry of Basaltic units in the Mare Humorum on the nearside of the Moon using Chandrayaan-1 data
Thesniya Palappettymuhammedkutty, Sai Neeluharishchandran, and Rajesh Vishwanathanjagadambal
B87 |
Characterisation of Morphology, Mineralogy and Ejecta Emplacement of Das crater on lunar farside
Jappji Mehar, Thesniya Muhammed, and Rajesh Vishwanathan
B88 |
Joshua Cahill, Anna Wirth, Karen Stockstill-Cahill, Brett Denevi, Kathleen Mandt, Amanda Hendrix, and Kurt Retherford