EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019



Juno arrived into orbit around Jupiter on July 4, 2016, and is a bit more than half-way through its prime mission. Juno is revolutionizing our knowledge of the nature, origin, formation and evolution of Jupiter; through study of the solar system’s largest planet, our understanding of general planetary formation processes is changing as well.

Juno is the first spacecraft in a polar orbit around this gas giant and carries instrumentation specifically designed for observations of the atmosphere, magnetosphere and interior. Juno has also utilized many of its science and engineering instruments to contribute to disciplines for which they were not specifically designed. A complementary campaign from Earth-based observatories has enhanced the scientific return from this multi-disciplinary mission.

This session welcomes presentations involving all results obtained by and in support of the Juno mission. These include Juno's data analysis and theoretical modelling on Jupiter's interior structure, magnetic field and radiation environment, atmospheric dynamics and composition, the morphology and physics of Jupiter's polar magnetosphere, and UV and IR aurorae. This session also welcomes results from the Earth-supporting observations and from comparative planetology studies with other giants in the solar system.

Convener: Jonathan I. Lunine | Co-conveners: Sushil K. Atreya, Heidi Becker, Scott Bolton, Emma Bunce, Daniele Durante, Alessandro Mura, Glenn Orton, Paul Steffes
| Wed, 18 Sep, 13:30–18:15
Mars (Room 18), Thu, 19 Sep, 08:30–12:00, 13:30–17:00
Neptune (Room 3)
| Attendance Thu, 19 Sep, 17:15–18:45 | Display Wed, 18 Sep, 14:00–Fri, 20 Sep, 17:30|Level 2
Display time: Wednesday, 18 September, 2019 14:00–Friday, 20 September, 17:30

Attendance time: Thursday, 19 September 2019, 17:15–18:45 | Level 2

Chairperson: Heidi Becker
L2.46 |
Roberto Sordini, Alberto Adriani, Heidi N. Becker, Alessandro Mura, Martin J. Brennan, James W. Alexander, Giuseppe Sindoni, Christina Plainaki, Andrea Cicchetti, Raffaella Noschese, and Shawn M. Brooks and the and the JIRAM Team
L2.47 |
Sascha Janser and Joachim Saur
L2.48 |
Masafumi Imai, Ivana Kolmašová, Ondřej Santolík, William S. Kurth, George B. Hospodarsky, Donald A. Gurnett, Scott J. Bolton, and John E.P. Connerney
L2.50 |
Yasmina M Martos, John E. P. Connerney, Masafumi Imai, William S. Kurth, and Stavros Kotsiaros
L2.51 |
Alessandro Moirano, Marco Zannoni, Luis Gomez Casajus, Paolo Tortora, Paul Withers, Phillip Harvey Phipps, Dustin Buccino, and Kamal Oudrhiri
L2.52 |
Ali Sulaiman, George Hospodarsky, William Kurth, Frédéric Allegrini, Scott Bolton, George Clark, John Connerney, Daniel Gershman, Vincent Hue, Stavros Kotsiaros, and Jamey Szalay
L2.53 |
Stephan Schlegel and Joachim Saur
L2.54 |
Affelia Wibisono, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, Will Dunn, Dale Weigt, Caitriona Jackman, Zhonghua Yao, and Chihiro Tao
L2.55 |
Amoree Hodges, Paul Steffes, Amadeo Bellotti, Shannon Brown, Scott Bolton, and Steven Levin
L2.56 |
Stavros Kotsiaros, John E. P. Connerney, George Clark, Frederic Allegrini, G. Randall Gladstone, William S. Kurth, Barry H. Mauk, Joachim Saur, Emma J. Bunce, Daniel J. Gershman, Yasmina M. Martos, Thomas K. Greathouse, Scott J. Bolton, and Steven M. Levin
L2.57 |
Abigail Rymer, Randy Gladstone, William Dunn, Barry Mauk, Dennis Haggerty, Masafumi Imai, John Connerney, Scott Bolton, and Graziella Branduardi Raymont
L2.58 |
François-Xavier Schmider, Tristan Guillot, Ivan Gonçalves, Jason Jackiewicz, Thomas Underwood, David Voelz, Patrick Gaulme, Patrick Boumier, Thierry Appourchaux, Raùl Morales-Juberias, Masahiro Ikoma, Bun'ei Sato, and Hideyuki Izumiura
L2.59 |
The weak ammonia absorption bands study from zonal spectrophotometry of Jupiter
Victor Tejfel, Vladimir Vdovichenko, Galina Kirienko, Alibek Karimov, Petr Lysenko, Vladimir Filippov, Galina Kharitonova, and Alexandr Khozhenetz
L2.60 |
Charles Goullaud, Imke de Pater, Gordon Bjoraker, Mike Wong, and Tilak Hewagama
L2.61 |
The cloud structure of Jupiter's Equatorial Regions derived from 5-micron spectra
Gordon Bjoraker, Imke de Pater, Michael H. Wong, Charles Goullaud, Tilak Hewagama, and Glenn Orton
L2.62 |
JunoCam Cloud Morphology Spatial Structure and Turbulence Spectra
Justin Garland, Kunio Sayanagi, John Blalock, Jacob Gunnarson, and Ryan McCabe
L2.63 |
Francesca Altieri, Maria Luisa Moriconi, Alessandra Migliorini, Alessandro Mura, and Alberto Adriani
L2.64 |
John Rogers, Ted Stryk, Gerald Eichstädt, Candice Hansen, Glenn Orton, and Tom Momary
L2.65 |
Nicholas Zube, Xi Zhang, Cheng Li, and Tianhao Le
L2.66 |
Ali Hyder, Nancy Chanover, and Jason Jackiewicz and the JOVIAL-JIVE
L2.67 |
Imke De Pater, Robert Sault, Chris Moeckel, Arielle Moullet, Michael Wong, Charles Goullaud, David DeBoer, Bryan Butler, Gordon Bjoraker, Mate Adamkovics, Richard Cosentino, Padraig Donnelly, Leigh Fletcher, Yasumasa Kasaba, Glenn Orton, John Rogers, James Sinclair, and Eric Villard
L2.68 |
Chris Moeckel, Imke de Pater, Bob Sault, David deBoer, Mike Wong, Glenn Orton, and Bryan Butler
L2.69 |
Patrick Fry and Lawrence Sromovsky
L2.70 |
Mechanisms controlling the deep jets on Jupiter: interpretation in light of the Juno mission measurements
Yohai Kaspi and Eli Galanti
L2.71 |
New Jupiter models in the context of Juno and Galileo
Gilles Chabrier
L2.72 |
Daniele Serra, Giacomo Lari, Giacomo Tommei, Daniele Durante, Luis Gomez Casajus, Virginia Notaro, Marco Zannoni, Luciano Iess, and Paolo Tortora