/ Attendance Thu, 23 Sep, 17:30–19:00
/ Poster Area
Monday, 20 September 2010
Room Lecture Room 2
Spectral Imaging
EPSC2010-730 On the unmixing of MEx/OMEGA hyperspectral data K. Themelis, A. Rontogiannis, O. Sykioti, K. Koutroumbas, I. Daglis, and F. Schmidt
EPSC2010-590 Multi-Image Unsupervised Spectral Analysis A. SCHMIDT, E. TREGUIER, F. SCHMIDT, M. GUIHENEUF, S. MOUSSAOUI, N. DOBIGEON, and C. PELLOQUIN
Mapping and GIS
EPSC2010-703 Radargrammetry with Chandrayaan-1 and LRO Mini-RF images of the Moon: Controlled mosaics and DTMs R.L. Kirk, D. Cook, E. Howington-Kraus, J.M. Barrett, T.L. Becker, C.D. Neish, B.J. Thomson, and D.B.J. Bussey
EPSC2010-325 PlanetaryGIS: a distributed system for landing-site characterization and selection for space exploration missions T.E. Zegers and R. Koenders
EPSC2010-771 Textural Analysis to aid Automated Classification of Lunar Craters M. Vickers and A Cook
EPSC2010-865 Towards the development of supplements to the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature H. Hargitai and Á. Kereszturi