Oral Program CE1


Opening Ceremony
Convener: Manuel Grande 
Oral Program
 / Mon, 09 Sep, 09:00–10:30  / Room Jupiter - Bloomsbury Theatre

Monday, 9 September 2013
Room Jupiter - Bloomsbury Theatre
09:00 - Arrivals

09:15 - Welcome to EPSC2013: Professor Manuel Grande, Chair of Europlanet EPSC Executive Committee

09:25 - Weclome to UCL: Professor Michael Arthur, President and Provost, UCL

09:35 - The achievements of Europlanet 2005-2012: Dr Philippe Louarn, Scientific Coordinator, Europlanet Research Infrastructure

09:45 - Europlanet - the Future: Professor Nigel Mason, Chair of Europlanet Community Steering Committee

10:00 - Europlanet Outreach Prize award: presented by Dr. Jean-Pierre Lebreton, Europlanet Outreach Team, to Jay Tate, Director, Spaceguard Centre

10:10 - Farinella Prize award: presented by Professor Salvator Roberto Amendolia, Scientific Attache of the Italian Embassy in London, to Dr. Patrick Michel, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur

10:20 - What EPSC 2013 has to offer (as well as science): Professor Steve Miller, Chair of EPSC 2013 Local Organizing Committee