Aeronomy of Giant planets
Convener: Japheth Yates  | Co-Conveners: Licia Ray , James Cho 
Oral Program
 / Fri, 12 Sep, 14:00–15:20  / Room Uranus
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 11 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

The aeronomy and dynamics of solar system planetary atmospheres has been modelled using Global Circulation Models (GCMs) for many decades. In recent years, GCMs have also been applied to exoplanet atmospheres - as many of them share many characteristics with planetary atmospheres in our solar system (e.g. composition, ionisation levels, rotation and stratification, etc.). Many Jupiter-size exoplanets are also found much nearer to their central star than Jupiter is to the Sun, posing an interesting challenge for coupling aeronomy and dynamics. Constraining the
models with remote observations is an ongoing and demanding task.

We propose a joint session to discuss and compare the latest modelling results and observations, including (but not limited to):

i) The various sources of available energy and how the energy depositions affect the neutral and ionised components of the upper atmospheres on gas giants, ice giants, and hot Jupiters.

ii) The coupling between the lower neutral atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere.

iii) The atmospheric energy budget of these worlds.

This session aims to spark dialogue and new collaborations between Earth, solar system and extrasolar system upper atmosphere communities.