/ Attendance Thu, 01 Oct, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster Area
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Room Mars
Chairperson: Bernard V.A. Foing
Introduction to session "Planetary Exploration through Art"
EPSC2015-914 Feeling the Science, Thinking about Art E.T. Chatzichristou, I.A. Daglis, A. Anastasiadis, and O. Giannakis
EPSC2015-790 ExoLab Space Mission Simulation: Expanding life with art & science I.L. Schlacht, B. Foing, J.W. Preusterink, E. Petric, M. Tursic, S. Petric, L. Pasenau, D. Guillaume, and N. Blugerman
EPSC2015-778 Collaborating with Space-related Research Institutes, Government Agencies and an Artistic team to create a series of Space-themed public events in Ireland in 2014 N. Shaw, C. McSweeney, N. Smyth, S. O'Neill, C. Foley, R. Phelan, J. Crawley, C. Henderson, M. Cullinan, S. Baxter, D. Colley, C.J. Macaulay, and L. Conroy
EPSC2015-902 ART-SCIENCE OF THE SPACE AGE: towards a platform for art-science collaborations at ESTEC E. Domnitch and D. Gelfand
EPSC2015-884 SPEAKING IN LIGHT - Jupiter radio signals as deflections of light-emitting electron beams in a vacuum chamber K. Petrovic
EPSC2015-879 non-humane sight V. Douka-Doukopoulou