/ Attendance Thu, 01 Oct, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster Area
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Room Mars
Chairperson: E. T. Chatzichristou
EPSC2015-480 Impact Through Outreach and Education with Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure A. Heward, M. Barrosa, and S. Miller
EPSC2015-645 Hello World: Harnessing social media for the Rosetta mission E. Baldwin, C. Mignone, K. S. O'Flaherty, A.-M. Homfeld, M. Bauer, and M. J. McCaughrean
EPSC2015-820 Engaging the public in planetary science missions: the role of competitions in the Rosetta mission K.S. O'Flaherty, E. Baldwin, C. Mignone, A.-M. Homfeld, D. Scuka, A. Schepers, M. Braun, F. Croci, L. Giacomini, N. Journo, M. Bauer, and M.J. McCaughrean
EPSC2015-228 "Where On Mars?": A Web Map Visualisation of the ExoMars 2018 Rover Candidate Landing Sites N. Manaud, O. Boix, J. Vago, A. Hill, C. Iriberri, and D. Carrión
EPSC2015-665 Involving the Public and Students in Planetary Science J. Retrê, D. Luz, P. Machado, and R. Agostinho
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Outreach Testing of Ancient Astronomy J.R.S Sanmartin and M.B.M. Blanco