/ Attendance Tue, 29 Sep, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster Area
Monday, 28 September 2015
Room Uranus
Chairperson: Bertrand Bonfond
EPSC2015-149 Statistical Study of Plasma-depleted Flux Tubes in Saturnian Magnetosphere H.R. Lai, C.T. Russell, H.Y. Wei, M.K. Dougherty, and Y.D. Jia
EPSC2015-179 Magnetic reconnection in Saturn’s magnetotail: A comprehensive magnetic field survey. A.W. Smith, C.M. Jackman, M.F. Thomsen, and M.K. Dougherty
EPSC2015-306 On the nature of MHD and kinetic scale turbulence in the magnetosheath of Saturn: Cassini observations L. Hadid, F. Sahraoui, K.H. Kiyani, A. Retino, R. Modolo, A. Masters, and M. Dougherty
EPSC2015-368 Ion cyclotron waves at Saturn: Latitude structure and implications for the vertical extent of the neutral cloud F. Crary, V. Dols, and T. Cassidy
| presentation
Case study of quasi-steady reconnection in Saturn’s magnetotail, and update on our current understanding of mass transport and loss in Saturn’s nightside magnetosphere C.M. Jackman, M.F. Thomsen, D.G. Mitchell, N. Sergis, C.S. Arridge, M. Felici, S.V. Badman, C. Paranicas, X. Jia, G.B. Hospodarsky, M. Andriopoulou, K.K. Khurana, A.W. Smith, and M.K. Dougherty
EPSC2015-125 The role of Io in the dynamics of Jupiter’s magnetosphere: A sandpile modelling approach. J.J Reed, C.M Jackman, and M.P Freeman
Coffee break
EPSC2015-157 Remote observation of Jupiter’s magnetosphere by EXCEED on Hisaki spacecraft
(keynote talk)
K Yoshioka, G Murakami, T Kimura, H Tadokoro, C Tao, M Kagitani, F Tsuchiya, A Yamazaki, T Sakanoi, Y Kasaba, I Yoshikawa, and M Fujimoto
Influence of By and Bz interplanetary magnetic field components on planetary magnetopause position and shape: qualitative analysis and comparison with modelling and observation results(withdrawn) M. I. Verigin, G.A. Kotova, V.V. Bezrukikh, and A.P. Remizov
EPSC2015-836 A survey of multi-point observations of the open-closed field line boundary by the Van Allen Probes P. Dixon, M. Grande, and E. MacDonald
Geometry of the intermediate transition in the Venus plasma wake(withdrawn) H. Perez-de-Tejada, R. Lundin, M. Reyes-Ruiz, H. Durand-Manterola, S. Barabash, T. L. . Zhang, and J. A. Sauvaud
EPSC2015-818 A Statistical Study of Wave Activity in the Hermian Magnetosphere. M.K. James, E.J. Bunce, T.K. Yeoman, and S.I. Imber