Poster Program TP5


Mars' Atmosphere and Surface
Conveners: Ernst Hauber , Anna Fedorova  | Co-Conveners: Gino Erkeling , Jean-Yves Chaufray 
Oral Program
 / Mon, 28 Sep, 09:00–10:30  / 14:00–19:15  / Room Jupiter
 / Tue, 29 Sep, 09:00–12:30  / 14:00–17:30  / Room Saturn
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 29 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

Attendance Time: Tuesday, 29 September 2015, 17:45–19:15
Poster Area
Chairperson: E. Hauber, A. Fedorova, G. Erkeling, J-Y. Chaufray
P4 EPSC2015-269
Application of factor analysis and target transformation to identify the spectral end-member from MRO-CRISM Data (withdrawn)
B Suman, R. Singh, N. Jain, and P. Chauhan

P5 EPSC2015-542
OMEGA/MARS EXPRESS Survey Of South Polar Cap During South Summer (MY 33). (withdrawn)
B. Gondet, Y. Langevin, and JP. Bibring

Effects of the CO2 defrosting cycle at martian mid-latitudes
J. Fernando, C. Quantin-Nataf, C. Pilorget, and P. Allemand

Small impact craters in crater counting: Examples from the Harmakhis Vallis channel, Mars.
S. Kukkonen and V.-P. Kostama

Can terrestrial impact craters cause changes in the geoid undulation? A case study
T. Statella, S.M. Figueiredo, and P. Pina

Hints at diapirism in Arabia Terra bulged craters (Mars)
R. Pozzobon, M. Massironi, A. P. Rossi, F. Sauro, C. Carli, L. Marinangeli, and G. Cremonese

Landform assemblage in Isidis Planitia, Mars: Evidence for a 3 Ga old polythermal ice sheet
S. Pochat, T. Guidat, O. Bourgeois, and O. Soucek

P11 EPSC2015-641
Collapsing mechanism for Chaotic Terrains on Mars (withdrawn)
M. Roda, J. Westerweel, G. Marketos, and R. Govers

Reconstructing the infilling history within Robert Sharp Crater, Mars: Insights from morphology and stratigraphy
J. Brossier, L. Le Deit, E. Hauber, N. Mangold, J. Carter, and R. Jaumann

EPSC2015-237 | presentation
Mapping and formation timescales of Martian valley networks
G. Alemanno, V. Orofino, G. Di Achille, and F. Mancarella

P15 EPSC2015-265
Outcrop of phyllosilicates near Huygens crater on Mars identified by MRO-CRISM (withdrawn)
N. Jain and P. Chauhan

Current thermal state of Mars from scaled models of surface heat flow
L. M. Parro, A. Jiménez-Díaz, and J. Ruiz

Analysis of continuous multi-seasonal in-situ subsurface temperature measurements on Mars
M. D. Paton, A. -M. Harri, T. Mäkinen, H. Savijärvi, O. Kemppinen, and A. Hagermann

P18 EPSC2015-795
Automatic slope streak detection in MOC, CTX and HiRISE images (withdrawn)
F. Puga, P. Pina, and E. Silva

P19 EPSC2015-16
The thick early atmosphere of Mars (withdrawn)
A. Pilchin

P20 EPSC2015-188
Dynamics of dust in Dust Devils in the atmospheres of Mars and Earth (withdrawn)
Yu. N. Izvekova and S.I. Popel

Investigating the formation of detached layers of dust on Mars with a global climate model
C. Wang, T. Bertrand, F. Forget, A. Spiga, and E. Millour

P22 EPSC2015-859
Teleconnection event during a martian regional dust storm (withdrawn)
L. Montabone, T. Kuroda, and S. I. Thomson

EPSC2015-438 | presentation
The Mars Climate Database (MCD version 5.2)
E. Millour, F. Forget, A. Spiga, T. Navarro, J.-B. Madeleine, L. Montabone, A. Pottier, F. Lefevre, F. Montmessin, J.-Y. Chaufray, M.A. Lopez-Valverde, F. Gonzalez-Galindo, S.R. Lewis, P.L. Read, J.-P. Huot, M.-C. Desjean, and T.h.e. MCD/GCM development team

The challenge and scientific application of the CO2 4.3 um atmospheric limb emission of Mars
M. A. Lopez-Valverde, A. Piccialli, M. Giuranna, B. Funke, M. López-Puertas, A. A. Jurado-Navarro, M. García-Comas, F. González-Galindo, J. J. López-Moreno, and S. Jiménez-Monferrer

Long-term O2 nightglow observations in the polar night on Mars by SPICAM/MEx
A. Fedorova, S. Guslyakova, F. Lefèvre, F. Montmessin, D. Gurbanov, O. Korablev, and J.-L. Bertaux

Mars Atmospheric Characterization Using Advanced 2-micron Orbiting Lidar
U. Singh, W. Engelund, T. Refaat, M. Kavaya, J. Yu, and M. Petros

MARLI: MARs LIdar for global wind profiles from orbit
J. B. Abshire, M.D. Smith, H. Riris, X. Sun, B. M. Gentry, A. Yu, and G. R. Allan

The NOMAD Spectrometer Suite on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter: Calibration Results
I. R. Thomas, A. C. Vandaele, J. J. López-Moreno, M. R. Patel, G. Bellucci, R. Drummond, E. Neefs, J. Rodriguez-Gómez, C. Depiesse, A. Mahieux, S. Robert, and F. Daerden

Study of the cold oxygen corona with IUVS/MAVEN
J.-Y. Chaufray, J. Deighan, M. Chaffin, N. Schneider, B. McClintock, I. Stewart, G. Holsclaw, J. Clarke, and B. Jakosky

Hydrogen Coronae around Mars and Venus
H. Gröller, H. Lichtenegger, H. Lammer, and V. I. Shematovich

Ionosphere of Mars as seen by Mars Express. Effect of crustal fields
E. Dubinin, M. Fraenz, D. Andrews, O. Witasse, and S. Barabash

P32 EPSC2015-286
Localized electron density structures in the dayside Martian ionosphere (withdrawn)
C. Diéval, D. D. Morgan, D. J. Andrews, and D. A. Gurnett

From MGS to MAVEN : Analysis of electron plasma voids through statistical and case study
M. Steckiewicz, C. Mazelle, N. Andre, P. Garnier, D.L. Mitchell, R. Lillis, J. McFadden, J. Connermey, L/ Andersson, J. Luhmann, B. Jakosky, E. Penou, V. Genot, M. Bouchemit, E. Budnik, A. Biegun, A. Beth, and A. Fedorov

Data-Model Comparisons of Planetary Ions at Mars
S.M. CURRY, J.G. Luhmann, C.F. Dong, T. Hara, Y. Harada, F. Leblanc, R. Modolo, Y. Ma., D. Brain, R. Lillis, R. Livi, J. Mcfadden, J. Halekas, J. Espley, D. Mitchell, J. Connerney, and B.M. Jakosky