Poster Program MT6


Exploration of planetary environments with cubesats and nanosats
Convener: Brook Lakew  | Co-Conveners: Nicolas André , Boris Segret , Stas Barabash , Julie Castillo 
Oral Program
 / Fri, 02 Oct, 14:00–15:30  / Room Venus
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 01 Oct, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

Attendance Time: Thursday, 1 October 2015, 17:45–19:15
Poster Area
Chairperson: Segret, Boris
Nanosats for a Radio Interferometer Observatory in Space
B. Cecconi, S. Katsanevras, D. Puy, and M. Bentum and the Team NOIRE

MEMS Fabrication of Micro Cylindrical Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer for CubeSats Application
Y. Zheng, E. Barrentine, A. Chaudhary, F. Amerom, T. Short, W. Brinckerhoff, D. Glavin, and P. Mahaffy