Europlanet Science Congress 2021
Virtual meeting
13 – 24 September 2021
Europlanet Science Congress 2021
Virtual meeting
13 September – 24 September 2021
EPSC Abstracts
Vol. 15, EPSC2021-573, 2021, updated on 07 Jan 2025
Europlanet Science Congress 2021
© Author(s) 2025. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

3D simulations of warm and hot Jupiter atmospheres: the role of 3D mixing in shaping CH4-to-CO conversion pathways

Maria Zamyatina1, Eric Hebrard1, Nathan Mayne1, and Benjamin Drummond2
Maria Zamyatina et al.
  • 1University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom (
  • 2Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom

We present results from a set of cloud-free simulations of exoplanet atmospheres using a coupled three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamics-radiation-chemistry model. We report in particular our investigation of the thermodynamic and chemical structure of the atmospheres of HAT-P-11b and WASP-17b and their comparison with the results for the atmospheres of HD 189733b and HD 209458b presented in Drummond et al. (2020). We found that the abundances of chemical species from simulations with interactive chemistry depart from their respective abundances computed at local chemical equilibrium, especially at higher latitudes. To understand this departure, we analysed the CH4-to-CO conversion pathways within the Venot et al. (2019) reduced chemical network used in our model using a chemical network analysis. We found that at steady state nine CH4-to-CO conversion pathways manifest in our 3D simulations with interactive chemistry, with different pathways dominating different parts of the atmosphere and their area of influence being determined by the vertical and horizontal advection and shifting between planets.

How to cite: Zamyatina, M., Hebrard, E., Mayne, N., and Drummond, B.: 3D simulations of warm and hot Jupiter atmospheres: the role of 3D mixing in shaping CH4-to-CO conversion pathways, Europlanet Science Congress 2021, online, 13–24 Sep 2021, EPSC2021-573,, 2021.