EPSC Abstracts
Vol. 17, EPSC2024-1070, 2024, updated on 03 Jul 2024
Europlanet Science Congress 2024
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Poster | Tuesday, 10 Sep, 14:30–16:00 (CEST), Display time Tuesday, 10 Sep, 08:30–19:00|

Simulating the 6.5 days surface Artemis 3 mission with a first woman and man: EMMPOL20 4Artemis3 EuroMoonMarsPoland May 2024 Analog Astronaut Campaign

Clara Laforet1,2, Matthew Harvey1,3, Bernard Foing1,5, Agata Kołodziejczyk4, and Molly Balfe1,3
Clara Laforet et al.
  • 1LUNEX EuroMoonMars EuroSpaceHub
  • 2Institut Polytechnique Bordeaux
  • 3Technological University Dublin
  • 4Analog Astronaut Training Center
  • 5Leiden Observatory

Artemis 3, scheduled for no earlier than September 2026, will mark the return of humans to the Moon. This mission will include four astronauts, featuring the first woman and the first person of color to land on the lunar surface. Simulating space missions by replicating real-life conditions is crucial for understanding human behavior. As part of this effort, the EuroMoonMarsPoland initiative, established through a collaboration between the AATC Analog Astronaut Training Center and the ILEWG Lunex EuroMoonMars, is conducting several seven-day missions. In May 2024, a crew “4Artemis3” consisting of Clara Laforet from France and Matthew Harvey from Ireland will be isolated in a Moonbase analogue to reflect the composition of the Artemis 3 team. They will undertake various individual and collective scientific experiments to analyze the effects of the space environment. These activities aim to measure specifically the psychological impact of isolation, identifying optimal strategies to maintain astronauts' mental health and performance. The use of virtual reality equipment and exercises as alternatives to traditional exercise gear in isolated settings will be scrutinized. Additionally, experiments involving robots, such as rovers, will investigate the dynamics of astronaut-robot interactions, assessing how effectively astronauts can manage and collaborate with these robots to perform tasks on the lunar surface. The surface crew activity will be also supported by AATC mission control center crew that will therefore simulate the Artemis 3 two astronauts staying in LRHO Lunar Retrograde Halo Orbit and mission support from Earth (safety, operations, technologies, science, public outreach). The results of this campaign will enhance our scientific understanding of human behavior in space and will be showcased during the presentation.

How to cite: Laforet, C., Harvey, M., Foing, B., Kołodziejczyk, A., and Balfe, M.: Simulating the 6.5 days surface Artemis 3 mission with a first woman and man: EMMPOL20 4Artemis3 EuroMoonMarsPoland May 2024 Analog Astronaut Campaign, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-1070, https://doi.org/10.5194/epsc2024-1070, 2024.