EPSC Abstracts
Vol. 17, EPSC2024-42, 2024, updated on 08 Jan 2025
Europlanet Science Congress 2024
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Land of Gas and Dust: Exploring Bursting Pockets on Comet 67P

Daniel Müller1, Kathrin Altwegg1, Jean-Jacques Berthelier2, Robin Bonny1, Michael Combi3, Johan De Keyser4, Antea Doriot1, Stephen Fuselier5,6, Nora Hänni1, Martin Rubin1, Susanne Wampfler7, and Peter Wurz1,7
Daniel Müller et al.
  • 1University of Bern, Physics Institute, Space Research & Planetary Sciences, Switzerland
  • 2Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), 4 Avenue de Neptune, 94100 Saint-Maur, France
  • 3Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, University of Michigan, 2455 Hayward, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
  • 4Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, BIRA-IASB, Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium
  • 5Space Science Division, Southwest Research Institute, 6220 Culebra Rd., San Antonio, TX 78228, USA
  • 6Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA
  • 7University of Bern, Center for Space and Habitability, Switzerland

Dust and gas outbursts are recurring phenomena in comets, playing a crucial role in shaping their comas. A large set of outbursts on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during its perihelion in 2015 has been presented in Vincent et al. (2016), demonstrating the comet’s high activity while ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft orbited it. Recent findings (Müller et al., 2024) indicate two distinct outgassing patterns for such outbursts: water-driven events, marked by rapid changes in coma composition over minutes to hours, and CO2-driven events, characterized by slow, prolonged increases in highly volatile species over hours to days. These divergent gas composition patterns suggest different trigger mechanisms. Notably, cliff collapses expose fresh ice, leading to water enhancement, while perihelion outbursts often coincide with significant density increases of CO2. It has been proposed that these CO2-driven events originate from subsurface gas-filled cavities, whose walls have been sealed by earlier refreezing of CO2 migrating from warmer regions, and hence elevating the cavity pressure required for bursting.

To have gas pockets with significant pressure buildup, the porous structure of the comet interior must be sealed. Refreezing of CO2 emerges as a plausible mechanism (Filacchione et al., 2016). Research indicates that CO2 sublimates long after water ceases sublimation on the comet's outbound orbit from areas no longer exposed to sunlight (Läuter et al., 2019, Combi et al., 2020). Sublimating gas that is dispersed in all directions encounters colder temperatures towards the comet interior, promoting refreezing and creating a volatile-enriched ice layer (Prialnik et al., 2022). This mechanism may account for the extended orbital frost cycle and potentially also drive a diurnal refreezing process, fostering gas pocket formation in volatile rich regions over shorter time scales. Laboratory experiments affirm CO2's ability to coat surfaces and to create impermeable layers with considerable tensile strength, sufficient to confine gas in pockets under pressure (Portyankina et al., 2019; Prialnik et al., 2022). Experimental data suggest CO2 ice tensile strength ranges between 2 and 6 MPa (Kaufmann et al., 2020) and thus slightly higher than the tensile strength of water ice (Litwin et al., 2012).

This study focusses on the CO2-driven events, analysing gas production data measured with the ROSINA/DFMS mass spectrometer. Analyzing the same dataset as in Müller et al. (2024), we focus on events attributed to CO2-driven outbursts. Employing a simple gas distribution model, we explore the behavior of pressurized gas containers and approximate gas cavity pressure, contrasting it with CO2 ice tensile strength. By this approach, we aim to shed light on the formation and characteristics of gas pockets on cometary surfaces.

Combi, M. et al., 2020, Icarus, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113421
Filacchione, G., 2016, Nature, https://doi.org/10.1038/nature16190
Kaufmann, E. et al., 2020, J. Geophys. Res, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JE006217
Läuter, M. et al., 2019, MNRAS, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sty3103
Litwin, K. L. et al., 2012, J. Geophys. Res., https://doi:10.1029/2012JE004101
Müller, D. R. et al., 2024, MNRAS, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stae622
Portyankina, G. et al., 2019, Icarus, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2018.04.021
Prialnik, D. et al., 2022, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2209.05907
Vincent, J.-B. et al., 2016, MNRAS, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stw2409

How to cite: Müller, D., Altwegg, K., Berthelier, J.-J., Bonny, R., Combi, M., De Keyser, J., Doriot, A., Fuselier, S., Hänni, N., Rubin, M., Wampfler, S., and Wurz, P.: Land of Gas and Dust: Exploring Bursting Pockets on Comet 67P, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-42, https://doi.org/10.5194/epsc2024-42, 2024.