Probing atmospheric escape through metastable He I triplet lines in 15 exoplanets observed with SPIRou
- 1LESIA, France (
- 2Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Andalucı́a (IAA-CSIC), Glorieta de la Astronomı́a s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain
- 3IRAP, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse, France
- 4Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IPAG, 38000 Grenoble, France
- 5Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK
- 6Département de Physique, Institut Trottier de Recherche sur les Exoplanètes, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, H3T 1J4, Canada
- 7Observatoire Astronomique de l’Université de Genève, Chemin Pegasi 51b, CH-1290 Versoix, Switzerland
- 8Department of Physics and Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, McGill University, 3550 rue University, Montréal, QC H3A 2A7, Canada
- 9Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
- *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract
For several years, the metastable helium triplet line has been successfully used as a tracer to
probe atmospheric escape in transiting exoplanets. This absorption in the near-infrared (1083.3 nm) can be observed from the ground using high-resolution spectroscopy, providing new constraints on the mass loss rate and the temperature characterizing the upper atmosphere of close-in exoplanets. This work aims to search for the He triplet signature in fifteen transiting exoplanets, ranging from super-Earths to ultra-hot Jupiters, and observed with SPIRou, a high-resolution (R ∼70 000) near- infrared spectropolarimeter at the CFHT, to bring new constraints or to improve the existing ones regarding atmospheric escape through a homogeneous study. We developed a full data processing and analysis pipeline to correct for the residual telluric and stellar contributions. We then used two different 1D models based on the Parker-wind equations and NLTE radiative transfer to interpret the observational results. We confirm published He triplet detections for HAT-P-11 b, HD 189733 b, and WASP-69 b. We tentatively detect the signature of escaping He in HD 209458 b, GJ 3470 b, and WASP-76 b. We report new constraints on the mass loss rate and temperature for our three detections and set upper limits for the tentative and non-detections. We notably report improved constraints on the mass loss rate and temperature of the escaping gas for TOI-1807 b, and report a non-detection for the debated atmospheric escape in GJ 1214 b. We also conducted the first search for the He signature in GJ 486 b since its discovery and report a non-detection of the He triplet. Finally, we studied the impact of important model assumptions on our retrieved parameters, notably the limitations of 1D models and the influence of the H/He ratio on the derived constraints.
G. Hébrard (10,11) E.Martioli (10,12) C. Moutou (3) O. Venot1 (3) A. Wyttenbach (4,14)
How to cite: Masson, A., Vinatier, S., Bézard, B., López-Puertas, M., Lampón González-Albo, M., Debras, F., Carmona, A., Klein, B., Artigau, E., Dethier, W., Pelletier, S., Hood, T., Allart, R., Bourrier, V., Cadieux, C., Charnay, B., Cowan, N., Delfosse, X., Donati, J.-F., and Gu, P.-G. and the additional authors in description: Probing atmospheric escape through metastable He I triplet lines in 15 exoplanets observed with SPIRou, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-924,, 2024.