TVET SUDS MAR opportunities for water sustainability
- 1Kazakh-British Technical University, Information technology and engeering, Almaty, Kazakhstan (
- 2Technische Universität Dresden Department of Hydrosciences, Dresden, Germany (
- 3Technische Universität Dresden Department of Hydrosciences, Dresden, Germany (
- 4Technische Universität Dresden Department of Hydrosciences, Dresden, Germany (
- 5Nazarbaev University, Astana, Kazakhstan (
- 6Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (
- 7M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University,Taraz, Kazakhstan (
Floods and droughts are widespread emergency event (EE) issues in Central Asian (CA) countries. Water sustainability and efficient use of water resources are connected to complicated problems in CA. SustDrain ( ) will be reasonable to expand in an application for the proper water management, collection, and efficient use of flood water. We are working on the potential expansion in applications of the TERESA project for CA, TERESA is a nature-based solution for urban catchments by combining the advantages of sustainable urban drainage (SUDS) and MAR systems. The vulnerability to flooding and the growing demand for drinkable water are complicated issues for CA regions. Integrated water management, which integrates surface water management (stormwater catchment, flood protection) and groundwater management, is required to address both issues simultaneously (recharge measures, recovery for different uses). The development of multifunctional solutions should reduce stormwater runoff and increase groundwater recharge for the mitigation of flooding and protection of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Some of the complexities to expanding the TERESA project applications are related to the acceptance of this approach with the expansion of the connected TVET (technical and vocational education and training) programs among the CA communities. The current customs, community attitude, and legislation system will be reasonable to update in combination with water efficiency technologies, modeling, and prediction analysis. For example, snow in urban Kazakhstan areas is categorized as “ waste”, and municipalities usually collect snow and damp snow by moving out by the big tracks in the garbage collection sites, without proper localized SusDrain MAR approach, as the TERESA project implementation program suggests. The current status of the TVET SUDS MAR activities for CA communities will be presented during the conference
How to cite: Amanzholova, R., Stefan, Dr. C., Sallwey, Dr. J., Ongdas, M. Sc. N., Sarbassov, D., Sailaubek, A., and Sagin, Dr. J.: TVET SUDS MAR opportunities for water sustainability , A European vision for hydrological observations and experimentation, Naples, Italy, 12–15 Jun 2023, GC8-Hydro-80,, 2023.