Offline display program


This session solicits presentations on methods, algorithms and results from GRACE and GRACE-FO data analysis and error assessments providing insights into spatio-temporal signal content including diverse methods of error reduction. We also invite discussions on inter-comparisons between various GRACE gravity time-series and assessments of the significance of the differences and analysis of possible causes.

Session assets

Laura Müller, Vitali Müller, Malte Misfeldt, Henry Wegener, and Gerhard Heinzel

The new Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI) on GRACE Follow-On is measuring, just like the microwave instrument (MWI), the distance variations between the two satellites, but with a significantly higher precision. The Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) in Hannover was involved in the development of the LRI and is currently concerned with instrument operation and data analysis.  In order to verify and validate the correctness of the Science Data System (SDS) derived LRI1B data product, currently available as release 04, we started to implement an own processing chain to convert data from raw level0 or level 1A to level1B, where the latter is usually employed in gravity field recovery. Besides the validation, we are interested in testing alternative processing strategies, which could improve the data quality and that might get adopted by official processing centers at some point.
We will provide an overview on our processing strategy, which includes five major steps 1) Deglitching of the piston phase in order to remove phase jumps that occur when the attitude control thrusters are activated. 2) Conversion of time-tags from LRI time to GPS time and forming the phase difference of master and transponder measurements.  This removes the common 10 MHz ramp in the measurements. 3) Conversion of the phase to a physical length, the non-instantaneous biased range 4) Filtering and down-sampling of the data to the LRI1B rate of 0.5 Hz.  5) Finally, the light time correction (LTC) is calculated and allows to transform the non-instantaneous biased range and its derivatives to the instantaneous or corrected biased range. We will highlight the main differences in our processing to the RL04 processing, as far as known to us.
In the end, we compare the RL04 and our data set at the 1B level, which shows a slightly lower noise and uses less empirical parameters.

How to cite: Müller, L., Müller, V., Misfeldt, M., Wegener, H., and Heinzel, G.: An alternative derivation of the GRACE Follow-On LRI1B product: current status, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-27,, 2020.

Matthias Ellmer, David Wiese, Christopher McCullough, Dah-Ning Yuan, and Eugene Fahnestock

Developing meaningful uncertainty quantifications for GRACE or GRACE-FO derived products, e.g. water storage anomalies, requires a robust understanding of the information and noise content in the observables employed in their estimation.

The stochastic models for GRACE and GRACE-FO K-Band, and GPS carrier phase and pseudorange observables employed in upcoming JPL solutions will be presented. Within these models, the time-domain correlations for each of the observations are estimated, and then applied in the least squares estimate of monthly gravity field solutions. Reproducing results from other groups, the resulting formal errors of monthly solutions are improved.

We compare this approach to the current state of the art at JPL, and show that noise content in the determined gravity field solutions is reduced. We further demonstrate the application of this method to data from the GRACE-FO Laser ranging interferometer.

How to cite: Ellmer, M., Wiese, D., McCullough, C., Yuan, D.-N., and Fahnestock, E.: Implementation of GRACE and GRACE-FO observation covariance estimates at JPL, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-31,, 2020.

Henry Wegener, Vitali Müller, Malte Misfeldt, Laura Müller, and Gerhard Heinzel

The Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI) of the GRACE Follow-On (GFO) mission has successfully shown its capability of continuously measuring the inter-satellite biased range with higher precision than the established microwave ranging system. The instrument behaviour is already well understood. For Fourier frequencies below 30 mHz, the largest error source of the LRI is the so-called tilt-to-length (TTL) coupling, which means that satellite pointing jitter couples into the measured range. We have modelled the TTL error and estimated the model parameters using satellite rotation maneuvers, the so-called center-of-mass calibration (CMCal) maneuvers.

We report here that not only the pointing angles (roll, pitch, yaw) couple into the LRI range, but also the rate of change of one of the angles, namely the yaw angle of the main S/C. We give a theoretical model, which predicts this effect qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on a combined model for TTL and yaw rate coupling, we have re-analyzed the CMCal maneuvers, the results of which we present here.

From the TTL coupling parameters, one can derive nadir and cross-track components of the center-of-mass (CM) positions with respect to the LRI reference point. These will also be shown here, and we can conclude that the LRI is capable of providing accurate tracking of CM movement over time.

How to cite: Wegener, H., Müller, V., Misfeldt, M., Müller, L., and Heinzel, G.: Coupling of Pointing Angles and Angular Rates in the GRACE Follow-On Laser Ranging Interferometer, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-46,, 2020.

Miguel Angel Izquierdo Perez, Christian Voigt, Elmas Sinem Ince, and Frank Flechtner

With the launch of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission in 2002 and continued with GRACE Follow-on (GRACE-FO) since 2018, it is nowadays possible to monitor important mass variations in the Earth system. Nevertheless, validating these observations is a challenging task due to the lack of alternative methods to obtain directly comparable in-situ measurements. The most appropriate approach for this endeavor consists of comparing the GRACE derived Total Water Storage (TWS) residuals against Superconducting Gravimeter (SG) residuals, which provide long term stability.

The in-situ data used for this project are the gravity residuals obtained after removing the effects of solid Earth tides and ocean tidal loading, atmospheric loading, instrumental drift, polar motion and length‐of‐day induced gravity changes, from nine SG stations between January 2010 and March 2017. Such residuals were then compared with GRACE retrieved TWS residuals obtained from the Gravity Information System (GravIS) portal (

In this project, three decomposition methods were used for the comparisons: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis (stICA) and Multivariate Singular Spectral Analysis (MSSA). The main aim was to assess the impact of the GRACE data corrections applied by GravIS to the coefficient C20, the coefficients of degree/order one, and the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) effect. Moreover, the Gaussian, DDK and VDK filtering techniques were evaluated as well.

The tested methods proved to cope with the residual hydrological effects on SG measurements up to an extend that allows an objective evaluation of the data. The results obtained from this analysis indicate that the most optimal solution is achieved by correcting the C20 and degree/order 1 coefficients. The most effective filters are DDK1, VDK2 and Gaussian with a 500 km bandwidth, in that order. Furthermore, the GIA correction demonstrates to be relevant for northern locations like Onsala.

Concerning the decomposition methods, MSSA demonstrates to be a powerful tool, synthesizing the most important common trends among the in-situ measurements of different stations, and displaying the local differences of the signals. The common signals extracted from PCA represent a good overview of the trends from the data but is not detailed at the individual locations. Finally, the stICA decomposition is not able to extract these common signals when the input data is significantly different across the individual variables for SG data. This is explained by the Blind Source Separation (BSS) nature of the methodology, which intends to identify differences among the signals, and is not useful in this case where the signals are affected by the local hydrology.

The importance of this study lies in the versatility that the successfully tested methods show for the purpose of GRACE data comparison. Furthermore, the methodology applied in this project can be extended to analyze the current GRACE-FO mission as well other gravimetric satellite missions in the future.

How to cite: Izquierdo Perez, M. A., Voigt, C., Ince, E. S., and Flechtner, F.: Comparison of GRACE Level-3 Data with Super Conducting Gravimeters in Europe By Means of Signal Decomposition Analysis, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-60,, 2020.

Natalia Panafidina, Michael Murböck, Christoph Dahle, Karl Hans Neumayer, Frank Flechtner, and Rolf Koenig

The central hypothesis of the Research Unit (RU) NEROGRAV reads: only by concurrently improving and better understanding of sensor data, background models, and processing strategies of satellite gravimetry, the resolution, accuracy, and long-term consistency of mass transport series from satellite gravimetry can be significantly increased; and only in that case the potential of future technological sensor developments can be fully exploited. Two of the individual projects (IPs) within the RU work on stochastic modeling for GRACE and GRACE-FO gravity field determination. TU München and TU Berlin are responsible for IP4 (OSTPAG: optimized space-time parameterization for GRACE and GRACE-FO data analysis), where besides optimal parameterization the focus is on the stochastic modeling of the key observations, i.e. GRACE and GRACE-FO inter-satellite ranging and accelerometer observations, in a simulation (TU München) and real data (TU Berlin) environment. IP5 (ISTORE: improved stochastic modeling in GRACE/GRACE-FO real data processing), which GFZ is responsible for, works on the optimal utilization of the stochastic properties of the main GRACE and GRACE-FO observation types and the main background models.

This presentation gives first insights into the TU Berlin and GFZ results of these two IPs which are both related on stochastic modeling for real data processing based on GFZ GRACE and GRACE-FO RL06 processing. We present analysis of ranging observations and corresponding residuals of three test years of GRACE and GRACE-FO real data in the time and frequency domain. Based on the residual analysis we show results of the effects of different filter matrices, which take into account the stochastic properties of the ranging observations in order to decorrelate them. The stochastic modeling of the background models in IP5 starts with Monte-Carlo simulations on background model errors of atmospheric and oceanic mass variations. Different representations of variance-covariance matrices of this model information are tested as input for real GRACE data processing and their effect on gravity field determination are analyzed.

How to cite: Panafidina, N., Murböck, M., Dahle, C., Neumayer, K. H., Flechtner, F., and Koenig, R.: The research unit NEROGRAV: first results on stochastic modeling for gravity field determination with real GRACE and GRACE-FO data, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-65,, 2020.