Offline display program


Papers are solicited reporting on advances in hydrological applications based on GRACE and GRACE-FO data products, including signal interpretation and model assimilation, the assessment of hydrological trends and long-term water storage variations or GRACE and GRACE-FO data products that are optimized for terrestrial hydrology.

Session assets

GRACE/GRACE-FO to constrain regional to global Evapotranspiration
John Reager and Madeleine Pascolini-Campbell
The Ongoing Central European Drought Observed with GRACE Follow-On
Eva Boergens et al.
Assessing Detectability of Global Flood Occurrences using Daily and Monthly GRACE/GRACE-FO
Ashraf Rateb et al.
Assessing Impacts of Climate Extremes and Human Water Use on GRACE Total Water Storage Trends in Major U.S. Aquifers
Bridget Scanlon et al.