Offline display program


Papers are solicited reporting on advances in hydrological applications based on GRACE and GRACE-FO data products, including signal interpretation and model assimilation, the assessment of hydrological trends and long-term water storage variations or GRACE and GRACE-FO data products that are optimized for terrestrial hydrology.

Session assets

John Reager and Madeleine Pascolini-Campbell

A frontier in hydrology lies in understanding the potential impacts of a warming planet on water cycle variability from regional to global scales.  The fluxes that constitute the terrestrial water cycle present various complexity in observability, with Evapotranspiration (ET) being generally the most challenging variable to quantify directly.  Because of the ability to apply mass conservation and to "close" a water flux budget across scales, mass change measurements present the best opportunity to quantify evapotranspiration and changes in evapotranspiration at larger scales, ranging from basins to global. Here we present work on: (1) using GRACE/GFO observations to estimate basin-scale ET in the continental United States as a target for validation and error analysis of up-scaled ET products from other sources, and (2) using GRACE/GFO observations to estimate ET globally over the full joint record (2003-2020) in order to quantify observed changes in the global water cycle.  We find that because of the way that errors in mass change measurements inherently change in scale (i.e. decreasing with larger study domains), GRACE/GFO measurements offer a very clear and robust uncertainty quantification approach for large scale ET monitoring.  We also find that there is a clear and statistically significant signal in global land ET over the record length that indicates changes in the global water cycle consistent with our understanding of climate change.  These methods and results will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Reager, J. and Pascolini-Campbell, M.: GRACE/GRACE-FO to constrain regional to global Evapotranspiration , GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-7,, 2020.

Eva Boergens, Andreas Güntner, Henryk Dobslaw, and Christoph Dahle

In the last three years Central Europe experienced an ongoing severe drought. With the data of the GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission we are able to quantify the water deficit of these years. Since May 2018 GRACE-FO continues the observations of GRACE (2002-2017) allowing to compare the most recent drought with earlier droughts in 2003 and 2015.

In July 2019 the water mass deficit in Central Europe amounted to -154 Gt, which has been the largest deficit in the whole GRACE and GRACE-FO time series. In November 2018 the deficit reached -138 Gt and in June 2020 -147 Gt. Comparing these deficits to the mean annual water storage variation of 162 Gt shows the severity of the ongoing drought. With such a water mass deficit, a fast recovery within one year cannot be expected. In comparison to this, the droughts of 2003 with a deficit of -55 Gt and of 2015 with a deficit of -111 Gt were less severe.

The GRACE and GRACE-FO total water storage data set also allows for analysing spatio-temporal drought patterns. In 2018 the drought was centred in in the South-West of Germany and neighbouring countries while parts of Poland were hardly affected by the drought. In 2018 the drought reached its largest extent only in late autumn. However, the exact onset of drought is not determinable due to missing data between July and October. Both in 2019 and 2020 the centre of the drought is located further East and the months with the largest deficit were July and June, respectively. Also in the later years, the drought was more evenly spread out over the whole of Central Europe.

Additionally, we compared the GRACE and GRACE-FO data to an external soil moisture index and to surface water drought indices for Lake Constance and Lake Müritz. To this end, we derive a drought index from the GRACE and GRACE-FO mass anomalies. For the whole time series, the GRACE drought index shows a high congruency to the soil moisture drought index. Overall, the surface water drought index also fits well together with the GRACE drought index. However, the comparison reveals the influence of regional effects on surface waters not observable with GRACE and GRACE-FO.

How to cite: Boergens, E., Güntner, A., Dobslaw, H., and Dahle, C.: The Ongoing Central European Drought Observed with GRACE Follow-On, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-25,, 2020.

Ashraf Rateb, Alexander Sun, Bridget Scanlon, and Himanshu Save


Floods pose a threat to the lives of millions of people globally each year, with economic losses exceeding those of any other natural hazard. Improving flood forecasting with longer lead times can support enhanced risk management strategies and reduce associated socioeconomic losses. The objective of this study was to assess the detectability of floods using newly developed GRACE daily and regular monthly total water storage data. 

We compared total water storage (TWS) maxima from GRACE and GRACE-FO with flood occurrences from 2002 to 2020. GRACE daily TWS maxima were based on three daily GRACE solutions (UTCSR-RSWM, GFZ-RBF, and ITSG-2018) derived using statistical learning and geophysical models for the GRACE period (2002-2017). Monthly GRACE and GRACE-FO data were based on mascons solutions from UT-CSR and NASA-JPL for 2002-2020. A flood susceptibility index was developed based on the climate signal portion in the TWSA and compared with other flood indices (e.g., standardized precipitation index and streamflow). We evaluated the spatiotemporal coincidence rate of change of the 90th percentile of the daily and monthly precipitation based on the GPM-Imerg and GPCP rainfall data and the corresponding 90th percentile of the daily and monthly TWSA. The coincidence rate between GRACE TWSA maxima and precipitation were also compared relative to actual flood data (~3000 events) from the Dartmouth flood Observatory (DFO) catalog. 

Preliminary results using precipitation data from GPCP reveal that monthly GRACE/GRACE-FO data have a high predication rate for the monthly maxima precipitation > 90th percentile with a lead time of ~ two months across the tropical rain belt. Assessment against the real flood events shows that the three daily GRACE data perform well for flood events resulting from heavy and monsoonal rain and slightly differ for the events triggered by snowmelt and storm surges. The duration of flood events from GRACE data is generally shorter than the periods reported by DFO. An empirical relationship was derived between floods' duration based on the cause and the expected precursor coincidence rate from daily GRACE data. Further analysis is necessary to evaluate the GRACE precursor rate using different lead times and tolerance windows, quantify the change in rate relative to climate, topography, and soil types, and interpret the different performance GRACE products. This preliminary analysis suggests the high potential for GRACE/GRACE-FO data to extend flood forecast lead times and potentially improve the mitigation strategies

How to cite: Rateb, A., Sun, A., Scanlon, B., and Save, H.: Assessing Detectability of Global Flood Occurrences using Daily and Monthly GRACE/GRACE-FO, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-55,, 2020.

Bridget Scanlon, Ashraf Rateb, Alexander Sun, and Himanshu Save

There is considerable concern about water depletion caused by climate extremes (e.g., drought) and human water use in the U.S. and globally. Major U.S. aquifers provide an ideal laboratory to assess water storage changes from GRACE satellites because the aquifers are intensively monitored and modeled. The objective of this study was to assess the relative importance of climate extremes and human water use on GRACE Total Water Storage Anomalies in 14 major U.S. aquifers and to evaluate the reliability of the GRACE data by comparing with groundwater level monitoring (~-23,000 wells) and regional and global models. We quantified total water and groundwater storage anomalies over 2002 – 2017 from GRACE satellites and compared GRACE data with groundwater level monitoring and regional and global modeling results.  

The results show that water storage changes were controlled primarily by climate extremes and amplified or dampened by human water use, primarily irrigation. The results were somewhat surprising, with stable or rising long-term trends in the majority of aquifers with large scale depletion limited to agricultural areas in the semi-arid southwest and southcentral U.S. GRACE total water storage in the California Central Valley and Central/Southern High Plains aquifers was depleted by drought and amplified by groundwater irrigation, totaling ~70 km3 (2002–2017), about 2× the capacity of Lake Mead, the largest surface reservoir in the U.S. In the Pacific Northwest and Northern High Plains aquifers, lower drought intensities were partially dampened by conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater for irrigation and managed aquifer recharge, increasing water storage by up to 22 km3 in the Northern High Plains over the 15 yr period. GRACE-derived total water storage changes in the remaining aquifers were stable or slightly rising throughout the rest of the U.S.

GRACE data compared favorably with composite groundwater level hydrographs for most aquifers except for those with very low signals, indicating that GRACE tracks groundwater storage dynamics. Comparison with regional models was restricted to the limited overlap periods but showed good correspondence for modeled aquifers with the exception of the Mississippi Embayment, where the modeled trend is 4x the GRACE trend. The discrepancy is attributed to uncertainties in model storage parameters and groundwater/surface water interactions. Global hydrologic models (WGHM-2d and PCR-GLOBWB-5.0 overestimated trends in groundwater storage in heavily exploited aquifers in the southwestern and southcentral U.S. Land surface models (CLSM-F2.5 and NOAH-MP) seem to track GRACE TWSAs better than global hydrologic models but underestimated TWS trends in aquifers dominated by irrigation.

Intercomparing GRACE, traditional hydrologic monitoring, and modeling data underscore the importance of considering all data sources to constrain water storage changes.  GRACE satellite data have critical implications for many nationally important aquifers, highlighting the importance of conjunctively using surface-water and groundwater and managed aquifer recharge to enhance sustainable development.

How to cite: Scanlon, B., Rateb, A., Sun, A., and Save, H.: Assessing Impacts of Climate Extremes and Human Water Use on GRACE Total Water Storage Trends in Major U.S. Aquifers , GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 27–29 Oct 2020, GSTM2020-61,, 2020.