Poster Programme Topic 10

Topic 10

Air-Sea Interactions, Ocean Waves, and Coastal Surges
Conveners: Luciana Bertotti , Jordi Salat 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 01 Sep, 17:30–19:00  / Room Odysseus
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 01 Sep, 18:45–19:00  / Poster Area

Attendance Time: Wednesday, 1 September 2010, 18:45–19:00
Poster Area
Chairperson: P. Lionello
Operational storm surge modelling in the Mediterranean Sea
M. Bajo, G. Umgiesser, and C. Ferrarin

Integrated wave-current-sediment numerical tools in coastal areas
S. Carniel, A. Bever, M. Tondello, L.H. Kantha, and M. Sclavo