Plinius Conference Abstracts
Vol. 18, Plinius18-13, 2024, updated on 11 Jul 2024
18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Poster | Tuesday, 01 Oct, 11:00–12:00 (CEST), Display time Tuesday, 01 Oct, 09:00–Thursday, 03 Oct, 16:30| Poster hall, P27

A model of vernacular architecture resilience to impact of climate change and social challenges in the Mediterranean basin: the case study of the Trabocchi Coast (Abruzzo Region, Italy)

Fernanda Prestileo1, Alessandra Mascitelli1,2, Eleonora Maria Stella3, Luisa Irazú López Campos4, Stefano Federico1, Rosa Claudia Torcasio1, Eleonora Aruffo2, Piero Chiacchiaretta2, Piero Di Carlo2, and Stefano Dietrich1
Fernanda Prestileo et al.
  • 1CNR-ISAC, National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Rome, Italy (
  • 2University "G. d’Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Department of Advanced Technologies in Medicine & Dentistry (DTM&O), Center for Advanced Studies and Technology (CAST), Chietii, Italy (;; piero.chiacchi
  • 3CNR-ISPC, National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Heritage Science, Rome, Italy (
  • 4CONAHCYT, Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías, Mexico City, Mexico (

The Mediterranean basin is affected by extreme weather phenomena that are increasing in frequency and intensity. To the effects of these climate changes a broad response must be provided by the population, structures and infrastructure involved. Affecting a wide variety of issues, this increase therefore requires an interdisciplinary assessment of impacts (economic, social and environmental). In fact, climate change and land use are the main drivers of environmental and socioeconomic transformations of landscapes and coastal areas.

This study presents an interdisciplinary and participatory research methodology that analysed a coastal case study, the Trabocchi Coast (Abruzzo Region, Italy) characterized by a typical kind of vernacular architecture, the "trabocchi", increasingly threatened by climate change. The objective of the study was to assess the resilience of these coastal structures, "fishing machines" identified by the community as intangible cultural heritage, meaning their ability to cope with and adapt to changes while maintaining their identity and recognisability.

The adopted approach combined quantitative and qualitative data from meteorological analysis, literature review, and field surveys. The investigation of specific weather events was conducted considering both large-scale long-term analysis (using the ERA5 dataset) and small-scale short-term analysis (models and ground-based sensors). A participatory workshop with the population was organized by the authors at the Municipality of San Vito Chietino with the support of the Municipality itself, from which a significant part of the results emerged. The latter provided an overview of the relevant phenomena that have occurred in recent decades which, by posing a threat to this expression of cultural heritage due to climate change (sea level rise, coastal erosion, storms, flooding, and salinization) have, however, also presented challenges and opportunities for coastal development, stimulating various resilient responses by local communities.

Keywords: climate change; trabocchi; intangible cultural heritage; coastal areas; resilience; safeguarding adaptive strategies; heritage uses.


  • Mascitelli A., Prestileo F., Stella E.M., Aruffo E., López Campos L.I., Federico S., Torcasio R.C., Corsi A., Di Carlo P., Dietrich S., Impact of Climate Change on the “Trabocchi Coast” (Italy): The Trabocco Turchino Case Study, Sustainability, 2023, 15, pp. 1-15 ,
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  • Forlani M.C., Progettare per l’ambiente costiero. Il recupero della cultura materiale e la valorizzazione delle risorse nella “Costa dei Trabocchi”, Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone (Gorizia), 2022
  • Prestileo F., Mascitelli A., Meli G., Petracca M., Giorgi C., Melfi D., Puca S., Dietrich , Resilience of Cultural Heritage in Extreme Weather Conditions: The Case of the UNESCO Villa Romana del Casale Archaeological Site’s Response to the Apollo Medicane in October 2021. In Proceedings of the Computational Science and Its Applications—ICCSA 2022 Workshops, Malaga, Spain, 4–7 July 2022; Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Misra, S., Rocha, A.M.A.C., Garau, ., Eds.; Springer International Publishing:Cham, Switzerland, 2022; pp. 511–526.

How to cite: Prestileo, F., Mascitelli, A., Stella, E. M., López Campos, L. I., Federico, S., Torcasio, R. C., Aruffo, E., Chiacchiaretta, P., Di Carlo, P., and Dietrich, S.: A model of vernacular architecture resilience to impact of climate change and social challenges in the Mediterranean basin: the case study of the Trabocchi Coast (Abruzzo Region, Italy), 18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks, Chania, Greece, 30 Sep–3 Oct 2024, Plinius18-13,, 2024.