Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2016 4–9 September 2016 Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Ozone chemistry-climate interactions
Convenors: David Stevenson , Paul Young , John Pyle 
Oral programme
 / Wed, 07 Sep, 08:45–11:45  / Room Pentland Main Auditorium
Poster programme
 / Attendance Mon, 05 Sep, 12:45–13:30  / Poster area
 / Attendance Tue, 06 Sep, 12:45–13:30  / Poster area
 / Attendance Wed, 07 Sep, 12:45–13:30  / Poster area
 / Attendance Thu, 08 Sep, 12:45–13:30  / Poster area

Changes in ozone affect climate directly, by affecting fluxes of both solar and terrestrial radiation, but also indirectly, via effects of ozone on vegetation and the carbon cycle, or via changes in the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere and hence the budgets of other greenhouse gases. Conversely, changes in climate affect ozone, with temperature changes influencing reaction rate coefficients and absolute humidity, by climate-dependent emissions of ozone precursors, and through changes in atmospheric circulation (e.g., the Brewer-Dobson Circulation). These interactions induce potentially large feedbacks in the climate system. The latest generation of coupled chemistry-climate models allow us to test our understanding of these feedbacks in more detail than ever before, including analysis of past behaviour and future implications. In addition, new analyses of (often multiple) observational datasets provide further understanding and important constraints on model behaviour. For this session we invite abstracts across this broad field of ozone chemistry-climate interactions.