Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2016 4–9 September 2016 Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Oral programme 3


Ozone chemistry-climate interactions
Convenors: David Stevenson , Paul Young , John Pyle 
Oral programme
 / Wed, 07 Sep, 08:45–11:45  / Room Pentland Main Auditorium
Poster programme
 / Attendance Mon, 05 Sep, 12:45–13:30  / Poster area
 / Attendance Tue, 06 Sep, 12:45–13:30  / Poster area
 / Attendance Wed, 07 Sep, 12:45–13:30  / Poster area
 / Attendance Thu, 08 Sep, 12:45–13:30  / Poster area

Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Room Pentland Main Auditorium
Chairperson: David Stevenson
QOS2016-120 | presentation
Interannual variability and long-term trends in global tropospheric ozone and related chemistry during recent decades (keynote)
K. Sudo
QOS2016-20 | presentation
The changing ozone depletion potential of nitrous oxide in a future climate
L. E. Revell, F. Tummon, R. J. Salawitch, A. Stenke, and T. Peter
QOS2016-39 | presentation
The Ozone Radiative Seasonal Cycle and its Contributions to Tropical Cyclone Potential Intensities
D. M. Gilford, S. Solomon, and K. A. Emanuel
QOS2016-141 | presentation
Diverse policy implications for future ozone and surface UV in a changing climate
AH Butler, JS Daniel, RW Portmann, AR Ravishankara, PJ Young, DW Fahey, and KH Rosenlof
Coffee break
QOS2016-172 | presentation
The transient response of the Southern Ocean to stratospheric ozone depletion
W. J. M. Seviour, A. Gnanadesikan, and D. W. Waugh
21 century U.S. surface ozone extremes: influence of climate warming, rising methane and reductions in nitrogen oxide emissions
H.E. Rieder, A.M. Fiore, G. Correa, O. Clifton, L.W. Horowitz, and V. Naik
QOS2016-297 | presentation
How ozone affects precipitation
W.J. Collins, C.R. MacIntosh, K.P. Shine, and L.H. Baker
QOS2016-319 | presentation
Temperature as a driver of ground-level ozone concentration in Europe
T. Butler, N. Otero, J. Coates, and K. Mar
The role of ozone feedback in modulating the atmospheric response to the solar cycle forcing
E.M. Bednarz, A.C. Maycock, P. Braesicke, P.J. Telford, N.L. Abraham, and J.A. Pyle