Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Room Agathe-Lasch-Lecture Room
Chairperson: Steven M . Solomon
SSC2010-14 Arctic Ocean storm surges: origin, climatology, impacts, simulations and predictions A. Proshutinsky, S. Solomon, and I. Ashik
SSC2010-63 Impact of wind gusts on sea surface height in storm surge modeling
R. van der Grinten, H. de Vries, and H. de Swart
SSC2010-122 Potential impacts of extreme storm surges on a low-lying densely populated coastline: The case of Dunkirk area, Northern France. A. MASPATAUD, M-H. RUZ, and S. VANHEE
SSC2010-47 Storm Surges in the Elbe Estuary - Analysis and Sensitivity Study E. Rudolph and A. Schulte-Rentrop
SSC2010-109 Return periods of extreme sea levels along the Ravenna coastline
M. Masina and P. Ciavola
SSC2010-26 Storm surges on the coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil C. Neves
SSC2010-40 Developing a storm surge typology for low latitude coral atolls and islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans R. McLEAN
SSC2010-92 Statistical Downscaling of Storm Surges in Singapore Strait P. Tkalich
SSC2010-24 Dynamical Downscaling of Storm Surges in South-China Sea and Singapore Strait
P. Kolomiets, M. Zheleznyak, and P. Tkalich
SSC2010-134 The interplay between waves and surges in the Dutch Wadden Sea G.Ph. Van Vledder, J, Adema, and O.R. Koop
Coffee Break
SSC2010-68 Extratropical cyclones as a driver of wind wave extremes over the last century S.K. Gulev, I. Rudeva, and V. Grigorieva
SSC2010-149 The Risk and Calculation of Extreme Storm Surges due to Climate Change K. Sossidi, G. Gönnert, B. Gerkensmeier, and Th. Buß
SSC2010-120 Global Vulnerability Assessment on Storm Surges due to Tropical Cyclones in the 21st Century H. Nobuoka and N. Mimura
SSC2010-166 Human Impacts on Estuarine Storm Surge Levels H. D. Niemeyer
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Room Agathe-Lasch-Lecture Room
Chairperson: Steven M. Solomon
SSC2010-9 Storm Surge Flooding of Deltas Made Susceptible by Human Activities J.P.M. Syvitski, G.R. Brakenridge, A.J. Kettner, and I Overeem