Formation and Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems
Convener: Diego Turrini 
Oral Program
 / Mon, 08 Sep, 16:00–19:00  / Room Venus
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 09 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

The growing body of data on extrasolar planetary systems is offering us a deeper insight of the rich variety of outcomes of the processes shaping planetary formation, of which the Solar System is just one of the possible results. At the same time, the Solar System offers a large number of constraints to test the theories of planetary formation and of the early dynamical evolution of the planets. This session aims to offer a space for discussing new theoretical, observational and laboratory results about the formation and evolution, both dynamical and collisional, of planetary systems and about their formation environments, the protoplanetary disks.