Kurzfassungen der Meteorologentagung DACH
DACH2022-136, 2022
© Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under
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Advanced open-source tools for detecting and analyzing peaks in cloud radar Doppler spectra

Teresa Vogl1, Martin Radenz2, and Heike Kalesse-Los1
Teresa Vogl et al.
  • 1Leipzig Institute for Meteorology, Uni Leipzig, Germany (teresa.vogl@uni-leipzig.de)
  • 2Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig, Germany

Cloud radar Doppler spectra contain vertically highly resolved valuable information about the hydrometeors present in the cloud. A mixture of different hydrometeor types can lead to several peaks in the Doppler spectrum due to their different fall speeds, giving a hint about the size/ density/ number of the respective particles. Tools to separate and interpret peaks in cloud radar Doppler spectra have been developed in the past, but their application is often limited to certain radar settings, or the code not freely available to other users.

We here present the effort of joining two methods, which have been developed and published (Radenz et al., 2019; Kalesse et al., 2019) with the aim to make them insensitive to instrument type and settings, and available on GitHub, and applicable to all cloud radars which are part of the ACTRIS CloudNet network.

A supervised machine learning peak detection algorithm (PEAKO, Kalesse et al., 2019) is used to derive the optimal parameters to detect peaks in cloud radar Doppler spectra for each set of instrument settings. In the next step, these parameters are used by peakTree (Radenz et al., 2019), which is a tool for converting multi-peaked (cloud) radar Doppler spectra into a binary tree structure. PeakTree yields the (polarimetric) radar moments of each detected peak and can thus be used to classify the hydrometeor types. This allows us to analyze Doppler spectra of different cloud radars with respect to, e.g. the occurrence of supercooled liquid water or ice needles/columns with high linear depolarisation ratio (LDR).

How to cite: Vogl, T., Radenz, M., and Kalesse-Los, H.: Advanced open-source tools for detecting and analyzing peaks in cloud radar Doppler spectra, DACH2022, Leipzig, Deutschland, 21–25 Mar 2022, DACH2022-136, https://doi.org/10.5194/dach2022-136, 2022.