DKT-13-13, updated on 11 Jan 2024
13. Deutsche Klimatagung
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Artificial Intelligence in Climate Research: Innovations and Implications

Thomas Y. Chen1 and Hyunwoo Park2
Thomas Y. Chen and Hyunwoo Park
  • 1Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University, New York, United States of America
  • 2Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States of America

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in climate research has emerged as a pivotal development in understanding and addressing the multifaceted challenges of climate change. This survey talk explores the diverse applications of AI in this field, highlighting how these technologies are reshaping our approach to environmental stewardship and sustainable development. At the forefront of this integration is the use of machine learning algorithms in climate modeling and forecasting. AI's ability to process vast datasets has significantly enhanced the accuracy of climate models, enabling more precise predictions of weather patterns, temperature fluctuations, and atmospheric changes. This improvement is crucial in formulating effective climate policies and disaster response strategies.

Another notable application is in the domain of environmental monitoring. AI-driven tools are increasingly employed to analyze satellite imagery and sensor data, offering unprecedented insights into deforestation, ocean health, and biodiversity loss. Such comprehensive environmental surveillance aids in the timely detection of ecological anomalies, facilitating prompt intervention. AI also plays a critical role in energy efficiency. Through smart grid technologies and predictive maintenance of renewable energy systems, AI optimizes energy use and promotes the adoption of sustainable energy sources. This is vital in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and advancing towards a low-carbon economy.

Furthermore, the talk discusses the use of AI in climate risk assessment and management. By analyzing patterns in climate data, AI assists in identifying regions vulnerable to extreme weather events, guiding resource allocation and infrastructure planning to mitigate potential impacts. In conclusion, the survey study underscores AI's transformative potential in climate science. While acknowledging the challenges in AI deployment, such as data quality and ethical considerations, the paper advocates for a collaborative approach, integrating AI innovations with traditional climate research methodologies to achieve holistic and effective solutions to climate change.

How to cite: Chen, T. Y. and Park, H.: Artificial Intelligence in Climate Research: Innovations and Implications, 13. Deutsche Klimatagung, Potsdam, Deutschland, 12–15 Mar 2024, DKT-13-13,, 2024.