EGU2009-4048 Study of terrestrial fossils in phyllosilicate-rich soil: a possible analogue for the search for biosignatures on Mars M. D'Elia, A. Blanco, D. Licchelli, V. Orofino, and S. Fonti
EGU2009-1549 Characterization of organics, microorganisms, desert soils and Mars-like soils by thermal volatilization coupled to mass spectrometry and their implications for the search of organics on Mars by Phoenix and future space missions R. Navarro-Gonzalez, E. Iñiguez, José de la Rosa, and C.P. McKay
EGU2009-11088 Laser Induced Fluorescence Imaging: Searching for Organics from the Dry Valleys of Queen Maud Land Antarctica to the Regolith and Ices of Mars M. C. Storrie-Lombardi, B. Sattler, J.-P. Muller, M. Fisk, C. Cousins, and L. Dartnell
EGU2009-11540 Study of the Martian Subsurface with a Fiber Optics Spectrometer: the Ma_Miss Experiment A. Coradini, M.C. De Sanctis, E. Ammannito, A. Boccaccini, E. Battistelli, and A. Capanni
EGU2009-6649 Preliminary Results of Simulations and Field Investigations of the Performance of the WISDOM GPR of the ExoMars Rover V. Ciarletti, C Corbel, P Cais, D Pltettemeier, S.E. Hamran, M Oyan, S Clifford, and A Reineix
EGU2009-4304 Description of the REMS Ground Temperature Sensor aboard MSL NASA mission to Mars C. Armiens, E. Sebastian, and J. Gomez-Elvira
EGU2009-6134 Development of a Fully Integrated Lab-on-a-Chip Electrophoresis System for ExoMars and Future Astrobiology Missions P.A. Willis, A. Fisher, F. Greer, F.J. Grunthaner, D. Hoppe, T. Chiesl, R.A. Mathies, and J.P. Rolland
EGU2009-8614 The SOLID (Signs Of LIfe Detector) instrument concept: an antibody microarray-based biosensor for life detection in astrobiology
V. Parro, L.A. Rivas, J.A. Rodríguez-Manfredi, Y. Blanco, G. de Diego-Castilla, P. Cruz-Gil, M. Moreno-Paz, M. García-villadangos, C. Compostizo, and P.L. Herrero and the SOLID Team