Thursday, 23 April 2009
Room 24
Chairperson: John Quinton
EGU2009-9243 Fallout radionuclides as tracers of erosion processes in large catchments; limitations and possibilities Dr Hancock, Dr Rustomji, Dr Caitcheon, and Dr Wilkinson
EGU2009-13739 Sediment tracing by ‘customised' magnetic fingerprinting: from the sub-catchment to the ocean scale B Maher
EGU2009-12657 Using Nanobiotechnology to circumvent the "Nonpoint" problem in nonpoint source pollution: Possibilities, challenges, and progress to date
Dr Sharma, Dr Meyer, Dr Luo, Dr Regan, and Dr Walter
EGU2009-13000 Macro and micro scale interactions between cohesive sediment tracers and natural estuarine mud. KL Spencer, AJ Manning, IG Droppo, GG Leppard, and T Benson
EGU2009-13192 Organophilic clays as a tracer to determine Erosion processes A. Mentler, P. Strauss, J. Schomakers, S. Hann, G. Köllensberger, and F. Ottner
EGU2009-122 Tracing sediment movement on semi-arid watershed using rate Earth elements V. Polyakov and M.A. Nearing